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2019-03-03 捐肾给他自己的父亲,还有谁能做到?

2019-03-03 捐肾给他自己的父亲,还有谁能做到?

作者: 随机运动 | 来源:发表于2019-03-03 18:53 被阅读25次
    2019-03-03 捐肾给他自己的父亲,还有谁能做到?

    I thought what I have decided to do is pretty darn good, giving up my career for an unpredictable time period to come home to take care of my father since he is old and sick.

    But this time when I went back to my office and met one of my colleagues, I was completely in shock to learn that he had just had a surgiry and removed one of his kidneys and donated it to his father. What I have done is no comparison to what he did for his father.

    We have done a lot of things together. He’s one of my running partners. We have done cross country runs and kayaking. At 6 feet 3, he’s a guy who they would call “tall, dark and handsome “. You can see that in the picture. He’s the guy in front with the dark shade. He is in his thirties. His father is in his sixties. This kidney donation is a huge sacrifice for him due to his father’s age. I’m not sure I would be able to do the same thing if I were him. Anyway, this has changed my perception to him, definitely an upgrade.



        本文标题:2019-03-03 捐肾给他自己的父亲,还有谁能做到?
