
作者: 啦啦啦950211 | 来源:发表于2016-10-28 11:49 被阅读0次

春节  Spring Festival

除夕 new year's eve

年夜饭 annual reunion dinner

拜年 pay a new   year call

探亲访友 pay a visit to relatives and fruends

亲朋好友 relatives and friends

大扫除 thoroughly clean the house

驱厄运 sweep away ill fortune

get rid of bad luck

去除灾难 ward off evils

发红包 give money in red envelopes

hand out red envelopes

欢度 the celebration of

春联 spring couplets

庙会 temple fair

民间艺人 folk artists

祭神 god-worshipping

爆竹 firecracker,firework

年画 new year picture

压岁钱 new year gift-money

元宵会 the lantern festival

清明节 the tomb-sweeping day

端午节 the dragon boat festival

中秋节 the mid-autumn festival

重阳节 the double-ninth day

七夕节 the double-seventh day

舞龙  dragon dance

花灯 festival lantern

灯谜 lantern riddle

有益的智力活动 beneficial intellectual avtivity

中国结 chinese knot

舞狮 lion dance

赛龙舟 dragon boat race

赏月 enjoy the full moon

登高 climb mountains and hills

扫墓 pay respects to the dead at sb's boom

景点 tourist attraction/scenic spot

名胜古迹 places of interests

避暑胜地 summer resort

森林公园 forest park

自然保护区 nature reserve

自然景观 natural scenery

人文景观 human landscape

壮丽山河 magnificent scenery

古典山水园林 classical landscape garden

度假 take a vacation/go on a holiday

门票 entrance ticket

免费景区电子门票 free sightseeing


星级酒店 star-rated hotel

高峰期 rush hour

人山人海 overcrowded/be packed with overcrowded people

翻山越岭 climb mountains and hills

受到……的热烈欢迎 be warmly welcomed by

丰富知识 enrich one's knowledge

开阔视野 broden one's horizon

扩大知识面 enlarge the scope of knowldge

培养独立性 cultivate independence

运输工具 means of transport

公共交通 public transportation

地铁站 subway station

候车室 waiting room

扣分处罚 point penalty

酒驾 drunk driving

终身禁驾 lifetime ban from dtiving

护照 passport

签证有效期 validity of visa

散客 individual visitors

团体游客 group visitors


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