You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant.
节选自简奥斯汀的小说 Persuasion(《劝导》,有电影版本),这样的文字这样的情感太美腻。
There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved. Now they were as strangers; nay, worse than strangers, for they could never become acquainted.
下面是我在微信公众账号“英语报道”中分享的The Sun Also Rises节选段落的引言,全文见如果你喜爱英语阅读却不知道读什么,就来这里看看吧。
后来自己尝试着找英文原著读,特别是在读过村上春树的《当我谈跑步时我在谈什么》。村上提到,斯科特菲茨杰拉德是他最崇拜的小说家,《了不起的盖茨比》是一部堪称完美的小说。我找到 The Great Gatsby, 瞬间就被英文的优美征服。不通过体味一部作品的语言,就无法体会到作者的风格、才智,作品的灵魂。
在读书的时候,也碰到过“长难句”。节选自简奥斯汀的小说《理智与情感》Sense and Sensibility:
But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common-place and mistaken notions.
因为作者写书的年代为19世纪初,所以语言有点绕。简奥斯汀很喜欢使用多重否定句,绕着绕着就不知所云了。在一位英语专业雅思8分的朋友的帮助下,才能够理解此句。“当坦诚并不可耻的时候,任何隐瞒都被玛丽安憎恶。” where no real disgrace could attend unreserve 是修饰 concealment 的定语从句,意为在。。。情况下的concealment。
But the rest offended her– and inarguably, because it wasn’t a gesture but an emotion. She was appalled by West Egg, this unprecedented “place” that Broadway had begotten upon a Long Island fishing village—appalled by its raw vigor that chafed under the old euphemisms and by the too obtrusive fate that herded its inhabitants along a short-cut from nothing to nothing. She saw something awful in the very simplicity she failed to understand.
这段文字是Scott Fitzgerald的小说《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby的选段,这段文字不了解当时写作的背景是无法理解的。“gesture” 和 “emotion”具体是指什么?答案参考这里:But the rest offended her-- and inarguably, because it wasn't a gesture but an emotion.
Daisy, as a member of the aristocracy, is very used to living with “gestures”, as throughout the book Nick heavily emphasizes how the upper class hides under a facade of propriety. These manners are fake and lack warmth, such as the times when we seeJordan Baker carefully balancing a non-existent object on her chinmore than once. Other artificial gestures in Daisy’s life include maintaining her marriage with time by pretending they both love each other — because that is the socially acceptable behavior — and the way she treats her daughter as an object to be marveled at rather than a human being.
On the other hand, there are the “emotions” that Daisy deplores. Emotions are raw, irrational, and real, and they are representative of the struggle for self-improvement associated with new wealth and the American Dream. She is “offended” because she is accustomed to her one-dimensional, casual life of the upper class, and the stark contrast between that and the vitality of the party scene disgusts her, so she looks down on the crowd full of emotion in contempt.
The Painted Veil, by Maugham,阅读时间一周。
The Devil Wears Prada,阅读时间横跨2年,实际大约花费三周。
Emma, Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen,阅读时间6天。
Eat, Pray, Love
Confessions of a shopaholic
The Sun Also Rises,阅读时间一个月。
Alice in Wonderland
Marva Collins' Way
Lean In
Divergent, 阅读时间3天。
Insurgent, 阅读时间3天。
The Kite Runner
A Thousand Splendid Suns
The Great Gatsby,阅读时间2周。
The Tipping Point
The Hobbit, 阅读时间4天。
我很早就开始计划读英文原版小说,拖了至少有两年,才真正的有所进展。再次说明了There's nothing you can't do if you put your mind into it (引自电影Love, Rosie)。第一本读完的小说是毛姆的《面纱》,The Painted Veil,读过之后写了长长的影评。有兴趣可以来看看Review of The Painted Veil。毛姆的小说The Painted Veil比较好懂,阅读过程中没有太大的障碍。因为看过电影的缘故,对于剧情很熟悉,也有助于阅读原著。
之后读完了两年前就搁浅的小说The Devil Wears Prada, 就书来说,反而没有电影精彩节奏紧凑,就是通俗小说。读过之后又找了类似的小说《一个购物狂的自白》来读,Confessions of a shopaholic,读完又去看电影了。
海明威的The Sun Also Rises 是海明威最杰出的作品之一,语言的运用真的很有海明威硬朗简洁的风格,同时有散文诗的流畅。绝对值得一读。不过海明威的作品读起来还是比较有难度。
简奥斯汀的小说是有难度的,但是读她的小说都是因为深爱BBC改编剧。《傲慢与偏见》凯拉奈特莉版本看过三遍,《爱玛》2009 BBC版看了四五遍,《劝导》也是早年看过的一部影片,印象极为深刻。《理智与情感》2008版,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》1999版。一开始很喜欢《傲慢与偏见》,并读过中译本的小说。后来读原著,最喜欢的简奥斯汀作品是Emma《爱玛》和 Persuasion 《劝导》。Emma的故事风格完全不同于她其他的作品,《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》沿用了类似的故事线。Emma 语言的运用最成熟老道,诙谐幽默。Persuasion也算是非常特别的一部作品,不像大部分小说的女主,有钱嫁了个好人家。个人喜欢Sense and Sensibility 多于 Pride and Prejudice。
Eat, Pray, Love 《美食祈祷爱》也是看过电影之后才读的,书比电影好太多了。推荐!
过了这么多年,终于读完了The Great Gatsby。心心念念已久的Gatsby,也终于坚持在读完书后去看了小李拍的电影。作者菲茨杰拉德,被誉为美国“迷惘的一代”(Lost Generation)的代表作家,也是“爵士乐时代”(Jazz Age)的桂冠诗人,他的代表作《了不起的盖茨比》被誉为当代最出色的美国小说之一(同时也是村上春树最为喜爱的小说)。
《了不起的盖茨比》写的根本就不是一个小资爱情故事,以至于故事本身毫无吸引力,这也就是为什么读中译本会觉得无聊。书的精彩之处全在于语言。菲茨杰拉德的简洁、精辟以及概括浓缩能力远远超过了海明威。曾经幼稚的我读过 The Sun Also Rises 以为领略了海明威式的不多一句废话,然而 Gatsby 才是无比的浓缩的精华啊!全书仅仅 5.3万个单词!
The Great Gatsby 评论戳这里:So We Beat On 领略下作者的语言。下面是全书著名的也是我反复读来读去也不怎么明白的开篇:
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.”
He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I'm inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought — frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.
和坚持跑步坚持健身以及坚持任何一件事情一样,坚持读原著并不是一件特别困难的事情。只要你觉得这件事情对你很重要,那就可以坚持下来。当然我有很多半途而废的书没有读完,有很多做了一半的事情没有坚持完...但这并不妨碍我坚持去读书,因为我真的很喜欢。2年的时间也不短,17本书不算多,可能不少人会嗤之以鼻。一般来说小说要读1个多月,每天1-2小时,还会有间断的时候。例外的是 Divergent三部曲,平均3天读完一本书。畅销小说难度比较低,而且就是page turner, 那几天每天时时刻刻有空就读,也是入了迷了。但是要知道我读中文畅销书、成功学(类似《参与感》《周鸿祎自述》)的速度是2天一本,这很容易做到。一年读个四五十本,根本不算什么。所以不能拿别人一年读几十本书来要求自己读书。
我不想谈太多的方法论,很多微信大号教你去坚持2周读一本书、坚持健身、坚持干嘛干嘛,望月,warfalcon,改变自己等等。关于坚持我没有更好的方法,但读了那么多方法不去实施的你仍然在原地踏步。我的方法就是首先,一开始选书一定要选自己非常喜爱的作品。类似Harry Potter迷从读JK罗琳的原著开始就是一个很好的选择。只有有兴趣,才能从读原著中获得乐趣,从有可能读完。其次,就是坚持每晚都抽出睡前一小时读吧,如果能在工作中午休息之时坚持读,尽量在1-2周,最久也不要拖着过了一个月,就能坚持读完。个人经验,读完The Painted Veil大约花了一周,每晚读2-3小时,有时候会抽出一个下午大段的时间来加快进度。读完The Devil Wears Prada前后拖了超过两年,但最后一口气读完花了三周左右吧。海明威的The Sun Also Rises花了一个月,不是每天都读,但有空的晚上就会抽一到两个小时来读。周末也会抽出一个下午来读书。然后,不要逼得太紧。读不完的时候,就不读了呗。随意一点,等有兴致读的时候继续。读的兴起,一口气读完也不是不可能。关于每天坚持读1-2小时,我也不是经常可以做到。我能做到的是,想读书的时候,把一本书读完。总之,只有自己从读书中感到快乐,才可以持久。
坚持的方式有多种多样。为了保持一定的阅读量,我自己开了个微信公众号“英语报道”,至今一年半了,仍然在运营。虽然发文的频次降低,但是还活着。初衷不为别的,只为了约束自己,每周去读点文章。Alice in Wonderland就是在微信公众号发布连载小说时读完的。我还参加了英语读书会,Marva Collins' Way (一部关于美国黑人小学女教师的教育理念,本书是她的自传和教学方法,对于学习英语有不少启发) 就是在读书会期间完成的。每周一次,大约四周读完。有好几本书是在iBook上读完的。用安卓手机时,也用过Kindle APP,但是不喜欢也没坚持下去。iBook的体验还是很好的,Divergent三部曲之所以能短短三天内读完,也是因为手机随身携带,随时随地都可以阅读(啊我没有Kindle)。
读书的时候,一定会碰到不认识的单词。这道坎儿难倒了数不清的爱好者。很悲伤,没有很好的办法。背单词是一个办法,因为你词汇量太低说啥都没用,更别提领会语言的美了!这不扯淡么!或者是找自己能读懂的简单的文学作品来读,简单不代表没有文学价值,Alice in Wonderland足够简单了,四级词汇量多年没学习已经忘得差不多的也是可以读懂的。大部分的畅销小说很简单,Divergent三部曲就可以,Hunger Games没读过书不知道,应该也不难吧。找一些有电影改编版的书也会帮助你更好的理解原著。
有些书,一直在读,一直没有读完...看来有些书命中注定就是不能读完呀! 这事情也再正常不过,拿一位作家的文章来安慰下自己“Why You Never Truly Finish a Book”,虽然境界不同,讲的也不是同一件事...