作者:Karen Louise Weylre,WECC认证华德福国际督导
Regarding Sleep
Sleep is a main requirement for healthy growing children. It is also a basic bodily function - we all must give in to sleep. However, many children today, and even adults, have difficulty falling asleep at night and sleeping through the night.
Sleep is a time for digesting the many sense impressions, thoughts and activities we have had all day. It is hard to assimilate and to let go of all of this, as we often have too much stimulation from the day. Sleep is also an activity of renewal. But we are under attack by anti forces, in subtle ways - and not so subtle.
Problem with sleepis universal: not enough time, so we rush children into sleep, parents fall asleep in front of the tv or drag themselves to bed, can't go to sleep- too many worries, can't stay asleep, need medication to go to sleep, machines to make noises - white noise. Babies driven around in cars until they fall asleep, parents sleep with them. Sleep is not given the respect and reverence it needs and deserves.
Symptoms of lack of sleep - over sensitive sense of touch, and no awareness of boundaries; scattered, hyperactive movement; exhausted and can't listen; can't go to sleep - can't relax, so resist it. Over sensitive to everything! During sleep is the only time that the nervous system can rest, repair, and build up. During waking hours, there is “no possibility for new cell growth.”
We know how we feel when we don't get enough sleep: groggy, un clear thinking; less able to focus or retain memory; more likely to have an over reactive emotional response. Children have behavioural problems; can catch a cold easier; irritable, grumpy, agitated, high-strung, excitable. Child is also - growing!
Sleep cannot be caught up, lost sleep can not be made up for. Children are beings of the sun- early to bed and up with the sun. Steiner said that, “Before age nine, the most important thing is for children to learn how to properly sleep” (Glockler, Forces, p. 47) In fact learning to sleep and learning to eat, “to take in substance and transform it" are the two most “important educational factors” in the life of the young child. The transformation of substance, whether it is through the digestion of food or sensory impressions occurs on the physiologic level during sleep.
睡眠是追不回来的,缺觉无法补回来。孩子是太阳之子——随着日落和日出早睡早起。斯坦纳说:“在九岁之前,儿童最重要的事情就是培养良好的睡眠习惯。”(Glockler, Forces, P47)事实上,睡眠和饮食习惯的培养,“吸收物质并转化”,是幼儿生活中两项“最重要的教育因素”。物质的转化,无论是食物或感官印象的吸收,都是在睡眠时间发生的生理反应。
Sleep cannot be caught up, lost sleep can not be made up for. Children are beings of the sun- early to bed and up with the sun. Steiner said that, “Before age nine, the most important thing is for children to learn how to properly sleep” (Glockler, Forces, p. 47) In fact learning to sleep and learning to eat, “to take in substance and transform it" are the two most “important educational factors” in the life of the young child. The transformation of substance, whether it is through the digestion of food or sensory impressions occurs on the physiologic level during sleep.
Here are some components to support healthy sleep:
darken the room with a window covering such as drapes or blinds;
- 拉上布帘或百叶帘,将室内光线调暗;
keep the room at a cool temperature, around 18c
- 房间温度凉爽舒适,保持在18摄氏度左右;
cover the bed with neutral coloured, simple patterned sheets of 100% ?cotton
- 使用中性色和图案简洁的全棉床单;
blankets of natural, breathable fibres, such as cotton or wool; wool has ?weight and qualities conducive to supporting sleep; (avoid fleece)
- 毯子使用天然透气的纤维制品,比如棉布或羊毛;羊毛的重量和质地对睡眠有帮助;(避免使用羊绒)
no nightlight or electronic devices in the bedroom
- 卧室里不要用小夜灯或其它电子设备;、
A special toy or blanket associated with sleep, kept in the bed
- 有陪伴孩子入睡的特别的玩具或小毯子,放在床上;
Consistent, bedtime routine
- 有规律的睡前惯例;
A song for bedtime, a lullaby
- 睡前唱一首歌,摇篮曲。
?Bedtime routine:?Tidy toys away before dinner, after dinner go to bedroom and take off clothes and put on pyjamas, lay out clothes for the next day, wash face, use toilet, clean teeth......have a story with a candle, maybe, then a goodnight wish, verse or prayer, tucked into bed and a kiss. This can be seen as Golden food and nourishment for their sleep and substance for processing
This predictable routine, always done in the same order, strengthens the habit life, thus helping to enhance sleep’s effectiveness. It is familiar, like an old friend. It allows the child to relax and feel safe. Its something to look forward to after a full or stressful day, A return to normalcy. The more you get into it and enjoy it, the more relaxing it will be for your child.
A bedtime routine that is consistent, with enough time for everything to be accomplished in a timely way, gives a child both a sense that the world is good, and starts the process of digesting the day. Things are returned to their place, discomforts are washed away and the preparation for the next day has begun
Children ages 3-6 still need a nap of 1-3 hours. A child of 5-6 years may give up the nap if she is regularly going to bed early, by around 7:00 p.m. 4 and 5 year olds need 12 hours; 6 and 7 year olds need 11 hours. Once the parent determines how much sleep the child needs, this need becomes “nonnegotiable.” Although some may not sleep, all children including “non- sleepers,” benefit from an enforced rest-time. Being able to pause (to be still and quiet) is a skill that eludes even many adults. Children need desperately to learn this. As always, a fair amount of firm inner conviction is required of the adult to secure for the child what he needs. A sleep habit life is thus developed which provides the basis for more sleep
Most importantly, acknowledging the value and importance of sleep and maintaining a sleep routine must be a top priority for the while family. It may require sacrifice by the adults, but it will help to promote and regulate sleep, making bedtime easier for everyone