刻意练习peak chapter 7天才之路

刻意练习peak chapter 7天才之路

作者: 刘小麦同学 | 来源:发表于2017-08-21 22:03 被阅读16次

第7章概述 天才之路




1. 童子功有优势,成年人也可以通过练习来提高技能,但是要认识到成年人练习的局限性:身体和大脑的适应性成年人不如未成年人,特别是身体的适应性,但是大脑的适应性还是蛮强的。

However, expertise in some fields is simply unattainable for anyone who doesn’t start training as a child. Understanding such limitations can help you decide which areas you might wish to pursue.

The body and the brain both are more adaptable during childhood and adolescence than they are in adulthood, but in most ways they remain adaptable to some degree throughout life. The relationship between age and adaptability varies considerably according to exactly which characteristic you have in mind, and the patterns are very different for mental adaptations than for physical ones.

2. 成年人的练习方法跟未成年人不同,需要更加努力

3. 天才之所以是天才,他们比一般人更努力


1. rearing

原文:László had studied hundreds of people who were considered geniuses in one field or another, and he’d concluded that with the proper rearing any child could be turned into a genius.

 the process of caring for children as they grow up, teaching them how to behave as members of society抚养;养育;培养


My little nephew was reared on stories told by my farther.

2. stoke 

原文:Instead, the future mathematicians first encountered serious mathematics courses—such as algebra, geometry, and calculus—in middle school and high school, and it was often the teachers in these courses, rather than their parents, who first stoked what would become their lifetime passion. 

煽起;鼓动;激起;If you stoke something such as a feeling, you cause it to be felt more strongly.

When I saw Bresson’s photos first time, I was stoked interests for photography.

3. bask in, be vested in

原文:A swimmer basked in the approval and respect of peers. These students became more vested in the process, and their self-image started to include those abilities that were setting them apart from their peers. 

bask in沉浸于,尽情享受赞美、宠爱或崇拜;If youbask insomeone's approval, favour, or admiration, you greatly enjoy their positive reaction towards you

She basked in the appreciation of her friends.

be vested in: If something is vested in you, or if youare vested withit, it is given to you as a right or responsibility.

4. give rise

原文:But we do know that the sort of focus and effort that give rise to expertise also characterize the work of those pioneers who move beyond where anyone has been before.

引起;使发生;If something gives rise to an event or situation, it causes that event or situation to happen.

The new flow of work gave rise to many faults.





    本文标题:刻意练习peak chapter 7天才之路
