Jesus answered:” Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘show us the Father?’” John14:9
Jesus didn’t blame them and didn’t feel that their words was surprised. Jesus wanted to lead Philip walking closer him. We create the closer relationship with others, but Jesus was last in the relationship queue. Before Pentecost, Jesus, who the disciples knew, was to give them power to defeat devils and brought restoration. This was a close relationship, but the closer relationship, which was that “I and you are friends.”, is in the future. The friendship is precious, which is the agreement between people’s thoughts and spirit. The whole disciplines of life are to enable us to enter into this closest relationship with Jesus Christ. We receive God’s blessing and understand his words, but do we know him?
Jesus said: “It is for your good that I am going away. “The Lord did this to promote the relationship with disciples and lead the disciples to go ahead. If a disciple would like to take his times to pursue the closer relationship with Jesus, his heart shall rejoice. The Holy bible book mentions fruiting, which means that the unification of Jesus Christ brings the inevitable result.
Once we create a deep relationship with Jesus, we will never be alone and never no longer need pity and understanding from others. We can cry all things to God, but also never lead to self-pity. The disciple, who had the deep relationship with Jesus, never left his image. He only highlighted Christ Jesus image without barriers, because his nature spirit had been filled by God’s words.
This life gives people the impression, which is that God grants the greater peace and safe to people keeping on the closer relationship with God.