

作者: 徐丹的写作课 | 来源:发表于2018-05-06 22:06 被阅读609次

作文题目: Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent.

First, the former idea is from people’s connection in societies. Take an example in China: the price of houses leapt so young people must relay on their parents or other relations’ financial support. When young people get married and have children, their parents usually play a role like babysitters since they don’t ask for payment.

Even in work, as each the job responsibility is very narrow, we need a lot of people to cooperate to finish a project. So the dependent level is very high.

Second, let’s talk about the independence. Though raising children needs older people’s help, living by oneself and getting married late is more popular. So there are many nuclear families which have less than 3 people and do not rely on relatives. The household work can be done by professional housekeepers as well.

With the development of technology, sweeping robots, dish-washing machines and other electronic devices can help us live alone.

There is an interesting trend. In the past, college students come back home in holidays, their parents usually cook a lot of delicious dishes for them. But now, parents will say that “there is newly opened restaurant, I will order a delicious meal for you.”

Working at home as a freelancer is also a choice, because through the Internet, translating, designing, writing or other kinds of work can be finished by oneself and relatively high paid.

In my opinion, we are more independent on the things which rely on technology or money, but more dependent on the things which are too expensive or needs emotions and cares.











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