Horizon Finding My Mind -BBC -20

作者: 危柯宇新体验lab | 来源:发表于2019-07-08 23:44 被阅读45次

Where does my conscious  come from ?

I want to find my mind ,find my conscious ,I have learned several methods to make a experiment about understand our inner mind.

Method one :we make a experiment on child who is 22 months -32 months years old . First step ,we ask their mom to pretend to wipe baby's nose, at the same time ,put sth dirty dot into baby 's face. Then mom  guides the baby to walk in front of a big mirror ,next we observe the baby 's action .We find that several baby could realize the shape over the mirror. So could any other species have a conscious to realize who U are ?

Method two :our conscious comes from our brain ? Looking inside of brain which is a dead brain comes from others .Have a brain scanner .When we are thinking ,some parts of our brain will become activity .So the answer where our conscious exists is in our brain .And I heard a theory ,human is composed of  two parts ,body and soul .

Method three :scan our brain when we are sleeping ,or scan our brain when we are asked to make a decision .Such as pushing two button where u hold at ur each hand .The test reveals our brain makes a decision ahead our action at 6 seconds ago .Shocking experiment. When I become conscious of making a choice,  others can predict what I was going to do six seconds earlier before I even realize what I was going to do, I mean this is absolutely certainly six seconds, is such a long time.

So who I am ,where I come from ,where to go ?

Our conscious will disappear forever .

The feeling when I have watched the BBC show .Record my life, enjoy my night .

PS : new words I have learned .

1.anaesthesia :The state of being unable to feel anything, especially pain.

2.inevitable :Incapable of being avoided .

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    本文标题:Horizon Finding My Mind -BBC -20
