The History of Philosophy|S01E74

The History of Philosophy|S01E74

作者: Rachel09 | 来源:发表于2019-08-24 10:43 被阅读0次


    With unrivaled eloquence he sawed off the branch on which he sat. 

    To all these criticisms one can reply very simply, that they destroy a straw man. 

    Plato explicitly exempts the majority from his communistic plan; 

    he recognizes clearly enough that only a few are capable of the material self-denial which he proposes for his ruling class; 

    only the guardians will call every guardian brother or sister; 

    only the guardians will be without gold or goods. 

    The vast majority will retain all respectable institutions — property, money, luxury, competition, and whatever privacy they may desire. 

    They will have marriage as monogamic as they can bear; 

    and all the morals derived from it and from the family; 

    the fathers shall keep their wives and the mothers shall keep their children ad libitum and nauseam. 

    As to the guardians, their need is not so much communistic disposition as a sense of honor, and love of it; 

    pride and not kindness is to hold them up. 

    And as for the maternal instinct, it is not strong before the birth, or even the growth, of the child; 

    the average mother accepts the newborn babe rather with resignation than with joy; 

    love for it is a development, not a sudden miracle, and grows as the child grows, as it takes form under the painstaking care of the mother; 

    not until it has become the embodiment of maternal artistry does it irrevocably catch the heart. 

    [ 00’29” ] eloquence (雄辩) 

    [ 00’30” ] unrivaled (无可匹敌的;无敌的) 

    [ 00’36” ] saw off (锯东西) 

    [ 00’46” ] saw off the branch on which one sat (搬起石头砸了自己的脚) 

    [ 01’25” ] explicitly (明确地;明白地) 

    [ 01’33” ] exempt...from (将……排除在外) 

    [ 01’59” ] material self-denial (自我物质否定) 

    [ 04’51” ] ad libitum (随意的,拉丁文) 

    [ 04’54” ] nauseam (诸如此类的,拉丁文) 

    [ 06’18” ] overprotection (过度保护) 

    [ 06’47” ] Avram Noam Chomsky (乔姆斯基,美国哲学家,语言学家。乔姆斯基的《生成语法》被认为是20世纪理论语言学研究上最伟大的贡献。) 

    [ 08’57” ] resignation (退却感) 

    [ 09’57” ] painstaking care (含辛茹苦的养育) 

    [ 10’13” ] maternal artistry (母性的艺术) 

    [ 10’44” ] irrevocably (不能取消地;不能撤回地) 



          本文标题:The History of Philosophy|S01E74
