

作者: Joy高斋翻译 | 来源:发表于2019-04-03 09:51 被阅读2次

    城市群city cluster

    新型城镇化主体形态a main part of the new type of urbanization

    都市圈metropolitan area

    优化人口和经济格局optimize population and economic landscape

    激活有效投资和潜在消费需求boost effective investment and potential consumption demand

    都市圈轨道交通规划rail transportation plan in metropolitan areas

    都市圈内城市间公交一卡互通one pass for all public transport services in metropolitan areas

    票制资费标准一致unified ticket policies for public transport services

    放开放宽除个别超大城市外的城市落户限制relax restrictions on household registration in non-megacities

    优质公共资源共享encourage sharing of quality public resources

    快速交通网络 rapid transport network

    对外综合运输通道 comprehensive external transport links

    交通一体化 traffic integration

    产业协调发展 coordinated development of industries

    世界级城市群 world-class city cluster

    新能源汽车new energy vehicles,NEV

    清洁能源汽车clean energy vehicles

    能耗低low energy consumption

    污染物排放少low pollutant emission

    纯电动汽车blade electric vehicles ,简称BEV

    混合动力汽车hybrid electric vehicles,简称HEV

    氢发动机汽车hydrogen-powered vehicles

    燃料电池电动汽车fuel-cell electric vehicles

    绿色、智慧交通体系green intelligent transport system

    绿色出行green commuting

    绿色出行减碳积分机制point collection system for carbon emission reduction

    外商投资准入foreign investment accessibility

    新建项目审批new project approval

    兼并重组merger and reorganization

    金融贸易finance and trade

    商业模式business model

    生物燃料 biofuel

    化石燃料 fossil fuel

    新能源 new energy

    可再生能源 renewable energy

    碳足迹 carbon footprint

    机动车排放标准 automobile emission standards


    一般登记general registration

    抵押登记mortgage registration

    信息孤岛 information silos

    互联网+不动产登记Internet Plus Immovable Property Registration

    集成(业务)流程process integration

    一窗受理、并行办理single-window inter-agency services

    集中办公service integration

    不动产immovable property

    物业real estate


    农产品agricultural produce

    不动产附着物an article of personal property not attached to land

    物权凭证document of title

    不动产登记 immovable property registration

    简政放权 streamline administration and delegate powers

    双随机、一公开 an oversight model of random inspection and public release

    互联网+政务服务 the Internet Plus government services model

    少开会、开短会the number and length of meetings should be cut reduced

    严格控制“一票否决”事项proceedings under the veto clause should be limited

    工作作风 work style

    形式主义 formalism

    官僚主义 bureaucratism

    享乐主义 hedonism

    奢靡之风 extravagance

    群众路线 mass line

    自我净化 self-purification

    自我完善 self-perfection

    自我革新 self-renewal

    自我提高 self-progression

    全面从严治党 comprehensively strengthen Party discipline

    化工厂爆炸  chemical factory explosion

    波及周边16家企业affect 16 surrounding enterprises

    明火已被扑灭open fire has been put out

    空气污染物指标在许可范围内air pollution indexes are within the allowed range

    有机化合物organic chemical compounds

    易燃有毒flammable and toxic

    巨大火球 enormous fireball

    大量黑烟 massive plumes of black smoke

    最大程度减少伤亡 minimize the casualties

    加强安全隐患排查 tighten safety hazard check

    安全生产责任制 accountability system for workplace safety

    夸夸群praising/flattery group

    寻求陌生人夸赞seek praise from strangers

    压力山大的年轻人over-stressed young people

    花式夸奖creative compliments

    网络聊天室online chat group

    加入到了这股潮流中join the trend

    夸夸群会员服务memberships to flattery groups

    溢美之词flattering comments

    指定某件事或某个方面被夸request to be complimented on specific things

    寻求陪伴、自信或者恭维seek company, self-confidence, or flattery

    喷喷群 trolling group

    寻求安慰 seek consolation

    传播正能量 spread positivity

    诙谐有趣的评论 playful and witty comments

    给平凡生活增添色彩 add color to mundane life

    陪餐dine/eat with students

    负责制accountability system

    原材料采购raw material procurement


    食品留样keep retention samples

    清洗消毒cleaning and disinfection

    准入和退出机制entry and exit mechanism

    严禁层层转包no subcontracting is allowed

    向公众公开食品来源publish the sources of the food to the public

    均衡的饮食 a well-balanced diet

    非法食品添加剂 illegal food additives

    农药残留 pesticide residues

    餐厨垃圾 kitchen waste

    买房自由house freedom

    房源网站property listing website

    没有接受伴侣的资助without financial support from their partners

    凭一己之力买房purchase solely by themselves

    室内装修interior finishing


    样板间的展示the presentation of show houses

    女性不太关心房子的大小women are less concerned about the size of a home

    绿地green areas

    轨道交通rail transit

    首付 down payment

    优惠利率 favorable interest rates

    首次购房者 first-time home buyer

    二手房 second-hand house



