A diabetic is diagnosed in the United States every 20 seconds. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, with type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM2) accounting for 90 to 95% of all diabetes. Significant comorbidities include heart disease, hypertension, respiratory infection, kidney disease, stroke, retinopathy, neuropathy, and dementia, of which all except the last three are among the top ten causes of death in the U.S. These comorbidities are all linked by common underlying mechanisms. Treating the underlying causes and mechanisms can prevent or reverse most of these comorbidities. Pre-diabetes was found in more than 40% of the population between 1988 and 1994, and 7% of all adolescents have been diagnosed with impaired fasting glucose. The estimated annual cost to society of diabetes-rated concerns in the U S. is $218 billion. Hypoglycemic medications,while very important in minimizing diabetic-associated sequelae, have long carried risks. Most recently rosiglitazone (Avandia) was shown to increase risk of myocardial infarction by 43%,which is a concern in any population, but particularly so in a group already vulnerable to cardiovascular(CV) events.
Lifestyle intervention has been shown to reduce the incidence of diabetes by 71 % in those 60 years of age and older, and by 58%. in all adults. Such findings strongly suggest that diabetes, while subject to genetic influence, is primarily a disease of lifestyle choice and increasingly environmental toxicity.
CK, a 56-year-old female presented to the clinic with type 2 diabetes(DMII),obesity, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and sleep apnea. CK was diagnosed with diabetes in 1999 and was prescribed glyburide and metformin. She did not regularly test her blood sugar, although she did attempt to adhere to a healthy diet, including oatmeal for breakfast, chicken and other lean protein with salads for lunch and dinner. However, she craved sugary foods and consumed much candy and ice cream at night. She generally felt ravenous before lunch and dinner, and experienced nausea and mood swings when she waited too long to eat. She also had wine with dinner most nights. These habits provided palliation for her high-stress job as a university professor and researcher.
CK was diagnosed with hypertension in 1997, for which she took metoprolol and amlodipine/benazepril. She did not monitor her blood pressure levels regularly. She was diagnosed with hyperlipidemia in 2003 for which she took atorvastatin. CK had sleep apnea for years, but did not use a CPAP machine. She experienced occasional constipation. She felt well in the mornings, and meditated daily for 15 minutes, but was frequently sleepy after lunch and dinner.
CK's past medical history was unremarkable, with the exception of mononucleosis at age 16.CK's father died at 55 years of age from a cerebrovascular accident. He also had coronary artery disease. CK's father was adopted, and therefore extended paternal family history was unknown. CK's mother died at 70 years of age. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and heart disease. CK has no siblings. CK's maternal aunts have type 2 diabetes.
CK did not smoke. She meditated for 15 minutes each morning. She took a one-per- day multivitamin and mineral supplement. She traveled a great deal for work and went out 1 to 2 nights per week. CK generally did not exercise, but did some limited walking during vacations.
CK's significant physical exam findings included a blood pressure of 160/104 (left arm seated) and a heart rate of 94 beats per minute. She weighed 190 pounds and was 5'2" tall. Her body mass index (BMI) was 34.7, considered obese, and her waist-to-hip ratio (WEIR) was slightly above optimal at 0.89.
Laboratory tests ordered and rationale:
1. Fasting insulin, hemoglobin A1C, urinalysis*, metabolic panel*, thyroid panel, hs-CRP and fibrinogen: Comprehensive, standard laboratory assessments for DMII and associated inflammation.
2. Lipids, lipoprotein subclasses with lipoprotein (a): Lipid subclass assessment may be a more sensitive predictor of cardiovascular risk in metabolic syndrome than a standard lipid assay. Lp(a) is an independent risk marker for cardiovascular disease that is not responsive to statin therapy.
3. Vitamin D: Low levels are associated with increased inflammation and increased incidence of numerous diseases.R
4. Multi-profile metabolic panel*: A comprehensive assessment including organic acids, fatty acids, amino acids, fat soluble vitamins, essential elements and oxidative stress markers; assists in detecting individual etiopathogenesis factors and in individualizing treatment plans.
5. Stool test: Assessment of GI microbial status and GI function. Imbalances may be associated with glycemic regulation and obesity.




Initial Assessment
Type 2 diabetes
Sleep apnea
Subclinical fatty liver disease
Subclinical hypothyroidism
Hypovitaminosis D
Oxidative stress
Initial Plan
Dietary Intervention
Begin low carbohydrate/low glycemic diet; have protein with each meal. Chew food adequately, eat slowly and allow digestion time. Protein-based snacks in afternoon
Lifestyle Intervention
Increase exercise-begin interval training.
Monitor fasting blood sugar and 2 hour post prandial blood sugar QD·
Sleep apnea: Recommend mandibular repositioning appliance and home sleep study
Nutrient Support
Nutrients for glucose metabolism (chromium, vanadium, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), n-acetyl cysteine (NAC), biotin, banaba leaf extract, Gymnema sylvester),1 packet PO BID
Fiber complex (konjac mannan, sodium alginate, xanthan gum), 4 capsules before meals with water
Medicinal food containing rice protein powder, medium chain triglycerides,vitamins and minerals specific for hepatic function, 2 scoops QAM (mix/blend with ice, unsweetened soy milk and berries; add 2 TBSP ground flax.)
Nutrients for mitochondria support (including: magnesium, CoQ10, creatine, acetyl-carnitine), 1 tab PO BID
EPA/DHA 720 mg, 2 Gelcaps PO BID
CoQ10 100 mg, l tab PO BID
R-alpha-lipoic acid (R-ALA) 100 mg, l cap PO QD
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) extract, 2 caps PO BID
Biotin 8 mg, l capsule
Vitamin D3 10,000 IU, daily
Multivitamin mineral formula
Niacin sustained release 500 mg, l tablet
Atorvastatin 10 mg, l tab
Glyburide 5 mg, l tab QD
Metformin 500 mg, l tab TID
Metoprolol 25 mg 1 tab QD
Lotrel 10 mg-20 mg, 1 cap QD
Aspirin 81 mg, l tab QD
Follow-up Laboratory Tests Ordered:
Hemoglobin AIC
Fasting blood glucose
Urinary microalbumin
1. 血红蛋白
2. 空腹血糖
3. 尿微量白蛋白
Treatment plan rationale:
Intensive dietary intervention was recommended to reduce glycemic load and increase phytonutrient density, in combination with addressing meal timing and frequency. A regular exercise program was initiated to improve insulin sensitivity and increase V02max and mitochondria) number and efficiency. Supplementation of glucose metabolism-supportive nutrients was initiated, including a specifically-designed product with chromium, vanadium, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), NAC, biotin, and botanicals banaba leaf and Gymnema sylvestre. Extra biotin was also given, based on research using higher doses in insulin resistance (IR), and the significant biotin deficiency identified .All nutrients prescribed have shown efficacy in improving insulin sensitivity in human trials. Additional lipoic acid was also given in the form of R-ALA, which may be more potent than ALA," and may therefore be more effective for IR. A fiber complex including Konjac-mannan (KJM) was initiated. KJM has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.' Fiber is also a demonstrated hypolipidemic agent.'`' KJM may have similar promise. A proprietary rice protein and nutrient-based medicinal food was given. Research suggests this medicinal food benefits hepatic function, and was therefore prescribed for the suspected subclinical fatty liver.20 the medicinal food contains B vitamins and essential elements, both found to be insufficient in this patient .The anti-inflammatory fatty acids EPA and DHA have been shown to reduce the pro-inflammatory fatty acid arachidonic acid, which was found to be elevated . Both fatty acids also have demonstrated benefit in hypertriglyceridemia.' Mitochondrial supportive nutrients, including CoQ10, creative, carnitine, and magnesium were started based on the organic acid findings and high lipid peroxide level ,which suggested an oxidative stress picture and mitochondropathy. Niacin has been shown to effectively reduce lipids, including Lp(a), which was found to be very high. Atorvastatin, which CK was taking, has not been shown effective at lowering Lp(a).Vitamin D was given for the identified deficiency .The multivitamin and mineral formula was stopped because it didn't supply enough of the specific nutrients required.
Four-Month Follow-up
After making dietary changes and taking supplements, CK reported improvement in energy particularly in the mid-afternoon and evening. Her morning blood sugar average was 90. She noted that her skin was clearer. Protein-based afternoon snacks were very helpful in improving mood and energy, and reducing cravings. Fiber was helping with bowel movements. She was exercising on treadmill 30 minutes per day on most days. Her weight loss was at 20 lbs. Her sleep apnea resolved without any interventions. She was very leased with her progress.
CK's diet consisted primarily of organic or cleaner sources of protein (lean meats, fish, eggs, and protein powder), low glycemic snack bars, nuts, seeds, legumes, fresh fruit, vegetables, and some whole grains. When she started the program, she was inspired to clean out her kitchen cabinets of all unhealthy foods. She then stocked up at the natural foods market, buying a greater variety of foods. CK admitted that she allowed the diet perfectly for one week, and then began to cheat. When she did so, she noticed that certain foods caused symptoms. In particular, she thought that dairy and sugary foods significantly worsened her afternoon fatigue.
She reported that it was difficult to maintain dietary changes when traveling, and noticed at her blood sugar was significantly higher after flying, reaching 180 on a recent trip. CK was confessed to being addicted to buffet foods, and decided to limit eating out.
CK's physical exam findings showed great improvement: blood pressure:. 127/79, left arm seated (previous reading: 160/104); heart rats per minute79 (previous rate: 94) weight 170 lbs (previous weight: 190 lbs);BMI 32.66 (previous:34.7); waist-to-hip ratio.0. 86 (previous ratio: 0.89).
Four-Month Follow-up Plan
Dietary Intervention
Keep daily food journal
Include Brassica vegetables at least 3 times per week; daily is best. Examples: arugula, watercress, cabbage, radish, broccoli sprouts, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
15 minutes walking if she overeats in a restaurant, followed by blood sugar check
Travel food suggestions:
Dehydrated bean soups
Canned wild salmon
Fresh fruit
Organic fiber bars
Medicinal food: store individual servings in plastic bags for easy access
• 脱水豆类汤
• 野生鲑鱼罐头
• 新鲜水果
• 坚果/种籽
• 有机纤维食物
• 医疗食品:按照每次食用量分装
Medications and nutrient therapy
Continue supplements as directed
Reduce metformin dosage to 500 mg BID
Discontinue glyburide
Discontinue metoprolol (has been shown to raise blood glucose2')
Organic acids
Continue to monitor blood sugar
Laboratory tests ordered (to be completed prior to next office visit):
Hemoglobin A1C, metabolic panel, thyroid panel
Lipids, lipoprotein subclasses and lipoprotein (a)
Vitamin D
Treatment plan rationale:
Dietary suggestions for travel were given. Hypoglycemic medications were reduced based on laboratory findings that demonstrated significant improvement in glucose control. Metoprolol was stopped because it has been shown to elevate blood glucose, and CK's blood pressure was significantly improved.
Nine一Month Follow-up
CK reported a 30 1b weight loss and stated that her average fasting blood sugar was 91. Her cravings were minimal. She reported no sleep apnea and no colds or other health problems since the start of treatment. She wanted to lose another 15 lbs, after which she would completely discontinue glyburide and metformin. She started working with a trainer on interval and strength training two times a week. CK complained of being very busy with work-related travel, though in general she felt empowered in life and health. She described herself as being at a magical point, happy and enjoying her life.
CK 已经减了30磅,平均血糖91mg/dL。自从干预以后,没有出现睡眠呼吸暂停、感冒或者其它病症。停用格列本脲和二甲双胍之后,CK希望再减15磅。她每周进行两次间歇和力量训练。虽然之前曾抱怨工作忙碌,经常出差,但总得来说,她觉得自己的生活和健康都有所提升, 她形容现在处于神奇的境遇,快乐并享受人生。


Nine一Month Follow-up Plan
Increase exercise as planned
Continue interventions as directed
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