

作者: 183ad803255f | 来源:发表于2020-01-10 12:06 被阅读0次


    You're sitting next to a purring cat when he rolls over with his belly pointed up. You reach in to rub his tummy, but instead of appreciating it, he attacks your hand instead. What just happened?


    Some cats don't like belly rubs. Why? Mainly because the stomach area is a very sensitive part of a cat's body. This soft underbelly protects some of their most vital organs, according to the South Boston Animal Hospital.


    In addition, the hair follicles on a cat's stomach and tail are "hypersensitive to touch, so petting there can be overstimulating," Lena Provoost, an animal behaviorist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, told National Geographic.


    If a cat shows you its belly and seems to want affection, try scratching under the cat's chin or around the cheeks. If you're not sure if the cat wants a belly rub, slowly reach your hand toward the tummy and gauge the cat's reaction. If the cat reacts angrily and try to grab or claw your hand, don't try it again. This is an instinctive reaction — try not to take it personally.


    If they don't react, you're likely clear to proceed.


    Why cats show you their belly


    When a dog rolls over and shows you his belly, it's often because he wants attention. There's a good chance he's asking you to rub or scratch his tummy. So naturally, when a cat does this same behavior, people assume it's for the same reason.


    But that's not true. When a cat shows her belly, it's a way to communicate one of four things. You'll likely know which mood your cat is expressing by reading other behavior signals.


    1. She's relaxed and trusts you a lot. If she's relaxed, she may purr or rub up against you. She be sleeping and may show you her belly as she stretches or changes positions.

    1. 它很放松,也很信任你。如果猫咪很放松,它可能会发出呼噜声或者磨蹭你。在睡觉时,当猫咪伸展身体或改变姿势时,可能会向你展露她的肚子。

    2. She's playing. Relaxed also can mean playful. For example, she may go belly-up to have all of her paws free to bat at her favorite toy.

    2. 她在玩耍。放松也可能表现为喜欢玩耍。例如,猫咪肚皮朝上可能是为了让所有的爪子都可以自由地拍打它最喜欢的玩具。

    3. She's feeling defensive. Turning over on her back gets her best weapons out front: the teeth and all of her claws. You'll be able to tell if your cat is upset — she may flatten her ears or make growling or hissing noises.

    3. 她在防御。当猫咪翻转身体肚皮朝上时,它最好的武器就亮出来了: 牙齿以及所有的爪子。你能够判断你家猫主子是否心烦意乱——它可能会垂下耳朵或者发出咆哮声或嘶嘶声。

    4. She's in heat. If you have a female cat who hasn't been spayed, this may be mating behavior. It's a sign of affection to a potential mate. It's probably best to leave her alone until it passes.

    4. 她觉得很燥热。如果你有一只没有做过绝育的母猫,那么这可能是猫咪的一种交配行为。这是它在对未来的伴侣表达喜爱之情。这段时期也许最好让它独自静一静。





