

作者: 时代周刊忱 | 来源:发表于2017-05-07 14:36 被阅读0次
    我们选择不再沉默 When does bullying happen? According to Céleste M. Brotheridge's article Explaining Bullying, it occurs when there is a convergence of three factors:


    1. The presence of a motivated aggressor;

    2. A suitable target;

    3. The absence of a guardian who serves as a deterrent.

    So in order to lessen the chances of being bullied at work, we need to break at least one factor. When there's a motivated aggressor, what can we do?


    Firstly, we need to know what makes "a suitable target."


    The Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) has summarized some characteristics and personality traits that are common to targets of bullying:

    1.     Vulnerable

    Office newcomers are often vulnerable to workplace bullying, because they are not familiar with working practices and expectations -- or their colleagues. But long term employees can also be targeted, often because they are outside the cliques. Characteristics that bullies seek out include shy, meek, quiet, passive, submissive, non-confrontational, and loyal.

    2.     A threat to the bully

    Established and successful employees are also targets, often because their competence provokes jealousy. These people are usually smart, well-liked and confident. Bullies, who tend to have poor coping skills, put down such victims so that they will appear more valuable to the organization.

    3.     Caring, social and collaborative

    People who like to help, teach, develop, and nurture others make up this group. They are content to give credit and power to colleagues, but are often taken advantage of as a result.

    4.     Fair, honest and ethical

    Whistleblowers who expose fraudulent, inappropriate or unprofessional behavior are also often targets for bullies.



