

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-03-31 00:49 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    They people keep asking me questions I don't know the answer to. 人们一直问东问西的我根本不知道答案
    It's us that have the machine guns now 现在手握机枪的是我们
    and it's them that's in the mud. 焦头烂额的是他们
    Guns, Mr Shelby. We'd pay good money. 枪支谢尔比先生我们愿意出大价钱
    For who do you speak? 你们是代表谁在谈
    The Irish Republican Army. 爱尔兰共和军
    What are you? A copper? 你是什么人警察吗
    You went after him because he was IRA. 你因为他是爱尔兰共和军才跟踪他
    I followed him because I thought he might have information. 我跟着他是因为我以为他身上有情报
    The difficulty with undercover work, 卧底最难的一点就是
    Grace, is to remember what you are. 时刻谨记自己是谁格蕾丝
    Your sister's in there giving birth. 你妹妹在里面生孩子
    There's one man who should be here. 有个男人该待在这里
    You are right, Poll. On my oath. 你说的对波莉我发誓
    Tell Freddie it's safe. 告诉弗莱迪来这里没事
    Welcome to the world, son. 欢迎来到这个世界儿子
    Freddie? 弗莱迪
    Pol! 波莉
    The police came and took his father away! 但警察把他的父亲抓走了
    You liar! 你个骗子
    Open up, love. 开门吧亲爱的
    I brought more things for you and the baby. 我给你和孩子带了点东西来
    I've got some fresh eggs and bread... 我带了新鲜鸡蛋和面包
    I'll leave it here. 我把东西放在门口
    Ada, think of the little one. 艾达多替孩子想想
    Babies don't have principles. 孩子可没有原则
    Did you speak to her? 你跟她说话了吗
    She didn't speak back. 她没有回应
    Well, did you tell her? 你告诉她了吗
    I'll only tell her what I know to be true. 我只会告诉她我确定的真相
    It's the last time I am going to say this. 我最后再说一遍
    It wasn't me who shopped Freddie Thorne. 出卖弗莱迪·索恩的人不是我
    Tommy... 汤米
    I'd ask you to swear on the Bible, 我让你对着圣经发誓
    but you can't swear on that, can you? 但你做不到对吗
    Nothing you hold is sacred. 你对任何东西都毫无敬畏
    There's tea. 我泡了茶
    The new system... 新的运作体系
    ..everything in the diary, eh? 所有事都记在日记里对吗
    A black star? What does that mean? 一颗黑星这是什么意思
    The black star day... 标上黑星那天
    ..is the day we take out Billy Kimber and his men. 是我们除掉比利·肯波和他的手下的日子
    No-one knows this! 没人知道这事
    Not even your family? 你的家人都不知道吗
    Grace... 格蕾丝
    ..everyone in my family hates me. 我的所有家人都讨厌我
    Why would I tell them? 我为何还要告诉他们
    He's off the bloody rails, is what he is. 他彻底失控了就是这么回事
    If he'll turn nose on his best mate... 如果他背叛自己最好的兄弟
    Bloody neighbours, John. Snitch behind the curtain. 该死的邻居们约翰背后打小报告
    If you think that, you're the only one who does. 如果你这么想那恐怕世上只有你一个人如此
    Look at this, look. Bloody raking it in. 看看这个看看生意很红火啊
    Who's running this carny? 谁在管理这个马戏团
    Name of Marston. 一个叫马斯顿的人
    Intends on wintering in Smallheath with this ring. 准备利用这个拳击场在小希斯度过寒冬
    - Does he! - Ain't he heard -是嘛-难道他没听说过
    nobody in Smallheath craps in a pot 要想在小希斯落脚
    without the decree of Tommy Almighty? 必须经过汤米大神同意吗
    Mr. Marston, I believe? The ringmaster? 马斯顿先生对吧拳击场的老板
    Proud I am to say so. 我骄傲地回答正是在下
    Yes, well, these here are civilised parts. 很好那先来文明地谈谈
    Man wants to set his stall up with fellas lamping each other, 想要在这里做让人互相打架的生意
    he needs himself a licence. 你得先拿到许可证
    A licence. 许可证
    For a fee. From those in charge. 交钱才能拿给管事的人
    I'll tell you what. 我看不如这样吧
    How about I keep my money, 我留着我赚到的钱
    and you shove a licence up your arsecrack? 你把你的许可证塞回自己的屁眼里
    You don't want to speak to me like that. 你最好别这么跟我说话
    And who the bloody hell do you think you are? 你他妈以为自己是谁啊
    My name is Arthur Shelby. 我叫亚瑟·谢尔比
    Dad? 爸爸
    Jesus. 天啊
    Thank you. You are a good boy. 谢谢真是个乖孩子
    Bless you, Father, 多谢您上帝
    for these bounties we are about to receive... 感谢你赐予我们食物
    Jesus Christ... 老天啊
    Please, woman... 拜托女人
    ..not in vain. 不要渎神
    Finish your sandwich and sling your hook. 吃完你的三明治就赶紧走人
    Pollyanna. 波莉安娜
    I'm the guest of the head of this family, 我是一家之主的客人
    so why don't you let me 你就让我好好做客
    tend to your mangle or your scuttle? 自己去熨熨衣服买买菜吧
    The head of the family ain't here. 一家之主没在家
    Tommy... he sometimes helps me with business. 汤米他有时帮我管理生意
    Well. Speak of the devil. 说曹操曹操到
    How are you, son? 你好吗儿子
    Get out. 滚出去
    Come on, son. I'm a changed man. 好啦儿子我已经洗心革面了
    This family needed you ten years ago 这个家十年前需要你的时候
    when you walked out on this. 你头也不回地走了
    Not now. Get out of this house. 现在不欢迎你滚出这个家
    Tommy, he's different... 汤米他已经改过了
    You shut up. 你闭嘴
    It's all right, son. 没事的儿子
    Arthur Shelby never stays where he is not welcome. 亚瑟·谢尔比不会待在不被欢迎的地方
    Quite something you've become. 你现在真是个人物了
    Bye, son. 再见儿子
    He's our dad. 他是我们的爸爸
    He's a selfish bastard. 他是个自私的混蛋
    You calling someone a selfish bastard? 你说别人是自私的混蛋
    That's a bit rich, Tommy. 有点可笑吧汤米
    I mean, thanks to you... 都是因为你
    ..we're already down a bloody sister. 我们已经失去一个妹妹了
    If you want to see him, Arthur? 你想要见他亚瑟
    You want to see him? You can go with him. 你想要见他那你跟他一起走
    Grace... 格蕾丝
    I am taking five pounds from petty cash all right? 我拿五镑的零钱行吗
    We don't have five pounds in petty cash. 那里的零钱不够五镑
    Then I'll take what we've got. 那我就有多少拿多少
    Count it and leave a receipt. 数一下有多少留个收据
    Arthur, there are some things in the books that I don't understand. 亚瑟有些账目我不太明白
    - Likewise. - Every week we pay one pound and ten shillings -我也一样-我们每周都给伦敦一个叫
    by postal order to a "Daniel Owen" In London. 丹尼尔·欧文的人汇一英镑十先令过去
    Danny Whizz Bang, 高速炮弹丹尼
    hangs round the pubs in Camden Town Wharf for us. 帮我们在卡姆登镇码头的酒吧里探听消息
    He keeps his ears open for business. 他耳听八方
    He's a good man. 是个好人
    I thought Danny Whizz Bang was dead. 高速炮弹丹尼不是死了吗
    Then you thought wrong, didn't you? 那你就错了
    But I've seen his grave. He was shot. 但我见过他的坟墓他中枪而死
    That was a show to satisfy the wops. 那是演给意大利人看的
    Tommy just shot some sheep's brains at him. 汤米开枪射出的是羊脑
    Who is buried in his grave? 那墓里葬的是谁
    Now look, Grace, if you know what's good for you, 格蕾丝你要是明白事理的话
    you don't ask questions about things that don't concern you. 就别问与你无关的问题
    Never. Right! 永远别问
    And that's for you. 这钱给你
    And don't tell Tommy I took this. 别告诉汤米我拿了这些钱
    The boy needs a good hiding, if you ask me. 要我说的话那孩子需要个藏身之所
    Yeah, well, Aunt Polly's close to giving him one. 波莉阿姨也算能保护他吧
    John and Ada too, it sounds like. 貌似还有约翰和艾达
    John moans on bloody principle - 约翰整天都在抱怨规矩
    but if you saw his Mrs... 但要是你见过他的夫人...
    You have a girl yourself, son? 你有女人了吗儿子
    P'raps when it suits Tommy, eh? 得让汤米满意是吗
    Yeah, well... He's been different, you know, since the war. 战后他整个人都变了
    Yeah, well... The war can change a man. 是啊战争会改变一个人
    Speaking for myself, anyway. 我是在说我自己
    Where did you fight, Dad? 你在哪打过仗爸爸
    All over, son, all over. 到处都打过儿子
    Yeah, all over. 是啊到处
    Then the salvation of Jesus Christ spread his light over me, 接着耶稣拯救了我
    and, as a pilgrim, I come to visit the New World... 我作为朝圣者去了新世界
    America. 美国
    Where I beheld the future. 在那里我见到了未来
    Casinos! Money factories, son. 赌场简直是金钱工厂儿子
    Look, I've been studying the competition, 我一直在研究赌场
    their schemes, their systems. 他们的骗局和运营系统
    - Look at that... It's all there. - Show me. -看啊都在这里-让我看看
    There's a fortune to be made here. 那行业简直是暴利
    I'm an old man, and my heart's a battered vessel. 我已年老体衰我的心脏就是个破旧的容器
    But within...There still beats the fluttering pulse of a dream... 但里面仍搏动着梦想
    The Shelby Casino and Hotel... 谢尔比赌场和酒店
    Gents and dames will come flocking from all corners - 全世界的人都会蜂拥而来
    New York, Chicago, Boston - 纽约芝加哥波士顿
    to The Shelby, where I can stand proudly 都会来到谢尔比的地盘在那里
    with my dear children by my side. 我可以与我的孩子们并肩而立
    And the women there! 而里面的女人
    Like fresh peaches. 如新鲜蜜桃一般
    Thou could have a dozen. 要多少有多少
    We'd all of us be kings! 我们都会成为国王
    How much, how much to get started? 办赌场要多少钱
    The oak needs but an acorn. 只需一点本钱就能长成摇钱树
    Let's do it. 我们干吧
    Let's do it. Let's bloody do it. 开干吧
    It would make my heart beam... 我也非常渴望
    but I don't want to cause any discord between the brothers. 但我不想引起你们兄弟不和
    So, please, why don't you talk to Tommy first...? 不如你先去跟汤米谈谈
    I'm sick of taking orders from him. 我已经受够听他吩咐了
    Tommy's not the only one in the family with a head for business, 汤米可不是这个家族仅有的生意脑袋
    and Shelby money is Shelby money. 谢尔比家族的钱是大家共用的
    I thank God for my wonderful sons. 感谢上帝给了我这么出色的儿子们
    This is cause for a celebration! 必须得庆祝一番
    - Slange. - Slange. -干杯-干杯
    On your feet, soldier! 站起来战士
    On your feet. 站起身
    Dad, I don't want to fight you, Dad. 爸爸我不想跟你对打
    Come on, boy! I'm old enough to be thy father. 拜托孩子我这年纪都能做你爸爸了




