

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-03-30 22:02 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    I intend to do business with Billy Kimber. 我准备和比利·肯波合作
    Is there any man here named Shelby? 这里有个叫谢尔比的人吗
    I am planning an expansion. Onto the racetracks. 我准备扩张进军赌马生意
    It would be an honour to work with you, Mr Kimber. 如果能跟你合作真的很荣幸肯波先生
    Nobody works with me. 没人可以跟我合作
    People work FOR me. 都只能在我手下工作
    'Danny, you are a good man and a good soldier.' 丹尼你是个好人也是个优秀的士兵
    Yes, Sergeant Major. 是军士长
    Freddie Thorne is at the very top of my list. 我名单上的第一个人就是弗莱迪·索恩
    Well, cross him off. He won't be returning to this city. 划掉他吧他不会再回这个城市了
    We're not going anywhere, Ada. 我们哪儿都不去艾达
    We are going to stay here 我们要留在这里
    and we'll marry here, with our baby. 我们就在这儿结婚带着我们的孩子
    I'm not afraid of Tommy Shelby. 我不怕汤米·谢尔比
    Thomas, 汤玛斯
    you sell those guns to anyone who has use for them, 你敢把枪卖给任何一个能发挥其用武之地的人
    you will hang. 你就死定了
    Dump them somewhere the police can find them. 把它们扔到警察能找到的地方
    word01.jpg word02.jpg
    Thomas Shelby is now the beginning, 汤玛斯·谢尔比现在是
    middle and end of your mission. 你任务的全部内容
    So what shall I do? 我该做什么
    You must do everything you can to get close to him. 你必须不择手段地接近他
    Dig out a nice dress. 找件漂亮的礼服
    I want to take you to the races. 我带你去赛马会
    I warn you, I'll break your heart. 但我想提醒你我会让你心碎的
    Already broken. 我心已碎
    Give me a bottle of whiskey and three glasses please. 给我一瓶威士忌和三个杯子
    - Scotch or Irish? - Irish. -苏格兰还是爱尔兰产的-爱尔兰的
    I've decided not to go. 我决定不去了
    To the races. 那个赛马会
    Not unless you give me another two pounds, 除非你再加两英镑
    ten shillings towards the dress. 十先令来付礼服钱
    I've already given you three. 我已经给过你三英镑了
    How much did you pay for the suit you'll be wearing? 你到时候穿的西装会值多少钱
    Oh, I don't pay for suits. 我不会花钱买西装
    My suits are on the house 我的西装都是店家赠送的
    or the house burns down. 不然我就烧了他的铺子
    So you want me to go looking like a flower girl? 你想让我穿得跟卖花女一样吗
    What I want makes no difference. 我怎么想都无所谓
    It's not me you're dressing up for. 你穿着打扮可不是为了我
    You'll forgive me, Mr Shelby, if I indulge a little. 谢尔比先生如果我太迷恋这酒你可得见谅
    Please. 请自便
    It takes a lot for a man from Sparkbrook 一个来自史巴伯洛克区的人
    to step inside this pub. 想走进这酒吧可需要不少勇气
    Anyone with money and good intentions 任何有钱无意捣乱的人
    is welcome in the Garrison. 在加里森酒吧都会受到欢迎的
    Now...you said you had business. 你之前说有正事要谈
    It's delicate, Mr Shelby. 那事不能明说谢尔比先生
    It's a question of who knows what about what. 是关于某人知道某事的相关情况的问题
    It concerns the factory down the road, at the BSA. 跟不远处的伯明翰轻兵器工厂有关
    As you might know, 你或许也知道
    most of the paint shop there is Irish. 那边大多数油漆车间里面都是爱尔兰人
    Big old place like that, rumours get started. 像那种大地方谣言很容易传播的
    Rumours that there was a robbery. 据谣传发生了一起盗窃案
    Robbery of what? 什么东西被盗了
    Guns, Mr Shelby. A serious amount of guns. 枪支谢尔比先生大量的枪支
    What business is that of mine? 那跟我有什么关系
    When it comes to speculation, 在推测方面
    you can't beat a factory night shift. 谁也比不上工厂的夜班工人
    Some say there was word from the proofing bay 有些人说打样车间有小道消息流传
    it was the Peaky Blinders who took them. 说那些枪是被剃刀党的人劫走了
    Your night shift must be dreaming. 你那些夜班工人一定是在做梦
    - Maybe they are. - Maybe they're not. -或许是的-或许也不是
    What we are trying to say is, Mr Shelby, 我们想说的是谢尔比先生
    that if you were to hear about the whereabouts of said items... 如果你耳闻了我们刚说的那东西的下落
    We'd pay good money. 我们愿意出大价钱
    You have good money? 你们有很多钱吗
    We have collections from the pubs. 我们有从酒吧征集的捐款
    For who do you speak? 你们是代表谁在谈
    - The people of Ireland. - The Irish Republican Army. -爱尔兰人民-爱尔兰共和军
    - For a fact? - For a fucking fact. -当真吗-绝逼当真
    You think we're jokers? 你以为我们是在开玩笑吗
    Am I laughing? 我难道笑了吗
    Oh, father, why are you so sad 父亲啊父亲你为何如此悲伤
    *On this bright Easter morn'... * 在这晴朗的复活节清晨
    Maguire, will you shut up? 麦格瑞你能闭嘴吗
    When Irishmen are proud and glad 爱尔兰人何时才能
    *Of the land where they were born? * 为生他养他的祖国感到骄傲
    Maguire, away and shite man, we're trying to talk business... 麦格瑞你个该死的我们要谈正经事呢
    Oh, son, I see sad mem'ries view 儿子啊儿子我突然想起
    *Of far-off distant days 过去的痛苦回忆
    When being just a boy like you 当我和你一样还是个孩子时
    I joined the IRA. 我加入了爱尔兰共和军
    Bravo! 太精彩了
    All right, boys. 好了够了
    If I hear anything about who knows what about what, 如果我听到关于那事的什么消息
    I'll let you know. 我会通知你的
    Gra mo chree, I long to see 我的宝贝啊我好想再见到
    *The boys of the old IRA... * 共和军的那些战士
    I thought you only allowed singing on a Saturday. 我以为你只允许周六那天唱歌呢
    Whiskey is good proofing water. 威士忌有很好的验证作用
    It tells you who's real and who isn't. 能够告诉你谁是真的谁是假的
    And what did my countrymen want? 我的那些同胞们想要什么
    They're nobodies. 他们只是无名小卒罢了
    They drink in The Black Swan in Sparkbrook. 他们通常在史巴伯洛克区的黑天鹅酒吧混
    They're only rebels because they like the songs. 他们成为叛军只是因为喜欢那些歌罢了
    You have sympathies with them? 你同情他们吗
    I have no sympathies of any description. 我对任何人东西都没有同情
    Their accents were so thick, 他们的口音好重
    it's a wonder you could understand them. 不知道你能不能听得懂
    Next time, I could translate. 下次的话我可以帮忙翻译
    You'd work for me? 你愿意替我做事吗
    I thought I already was. 我以为我已经在替你做事了呢
    So you are coming to the races? 所以你愿意去参加赛马会
    Two pounds, ten shillings. 两英镑十先令
    Ten shillings. 十先令
    Buy something red. 买件红色的衣服
    To match his handkerchief. 和他的手帕搭配
    Whose handkerchief? 谁的手帕
    Ada, what the hell? 艾达你搞什么啊
    I dared myself to run through their territory in my dress. 我鼓足勇气穿着婚纱跑过他们的势力范围
    Are you mad? 你疯了吗
    Yeah. Mad as hell with all of them. 是啊气得要疯了
    I love you. 我爱你
    I love you too. 我也爱你
    The more they try to stop us, the madder I'll be. 他们越是想阻碍我们我就会越疯狂
    - Come on, princess, the vicar's waiting. - Wait... -来吧小公主牧师在等着了-等等
    How do I look? 我看起来怎么样
    Like an angel. 宛若天使
    Moss? 莫斯
    What do we know about The Black Swan? 我们掌握了关于黑天鹅酒吧的什么信息吗
    An operative has provided intelligence 有个卧底提供情报说
    that it is a place where IRA men gather. 那里是爱尔兰共和军的聚集地
    It's just a lot of drunken navigators singing songs, sir. 就是些醉醺醺的船员在那儿唱歌而已长官
    The IRA wouldn't go near them. 爱尔兰共和军才不会去那种地方
    Then why are two of them looking to buy guns? 那那里怎么会有两个人要买枪呢
    Do you have names? 那两人叫什么
    Must she do everything for you? 什么事都要她帮你打点好吗
    "She", sir? "她"长官
    One female operative has proved more useful 事实证明一个女卧底
    than any of you great lumps of men. 比你们这些壮汉都有用
    We are regular police officers, sir. Not spies. 我们是正规警察长官不是间谍
    We can only act when a crime has been committed. 只有发生了罪案我们才能行动
    Perhaps I should send some men 也许我该派些人
    down to The Black Swan to ask questions. 去黑天鹅酒吧查问一下
    And scare them all into hiding? 然后打草惊蛇吗
    Not the best of tactics, Sergeant. 并非上策警长
    My tactics come from my experiences in France. 我的策略源自我在法国的经历
    Most of my great lumps of men served in France too, sir. 我那些大块头手下大多也在法国服过役长官
    I serve my country every day. 我每天都为国鞠躬尽瘁
    That will be all, Sergeant. 没其它事了警长
    Away and shite! 滚远点
    Fancy me, do ya? 爱上我了是吗
    What are you? A copper? 你是什么人警察吗
    Proddy bitch! 臭婊子
    I've seen you. I've seen your face, serving in the Garrison. 我见过你你是加里森酒吧的侍应生
    Come here... 过来
    I am taking you in for interrogation 我要代表爱尔兰自由邦
    on behalf of the Irish Free State. 把你带回去审问
    All right? 行了吧
    Are you armed? 你带武器了吗
    No. 没有
    Then I'll tell you. 那我就告诉你
    Ada and Freddie Thorne were married today. 艾达和弗莱迪·索恩今天结婚了
    They defied your orders, they haven't left the city. 他们没听你的留在了这里
    I'll deal with it. 我会处理的
    Thomas...I'll deal with it. 汤玛斯让我来处理
    Where are they? 他们在哪
    Freddie's comrades have safe houses. 弗莱迪的同志提供的安全屋




