
作者: 在线的老胡 | 来源:发表于2020-09-30 19:42 被阅读0次

嗯,Sometimes people come into your life and, you know, right away that were meant to be there.

To serve some sort of purple tissue, amazing or to help you figure out who you are and who you want to become.

you never know who these people making possibly your roommates labor Carlton,no northland novel or even Complete stranger.

But when you not eyes with them,you know at that very moment they will affect your life in profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you that may think horrible, painful and unfair at first.

But in reflection,you find that without overcoming those OPPOsed sea legs,he would have never realized potential strengthen willpower or heart.

Everything happens for reason. nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

Without these small tests,whatever the may be,life would be like smoothing Cambridge strains,flat road to nowhere。

It would be safe and comfortable, but do and utterly pointless.

If someone hurts you, betrays you were breaks your heart, give them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart.

Tell yourself you agree to individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others To believe in you.

That's the story of life.


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