I am a nurse who everyday experi

I am a nurse who everyday experi

作者: 糖鑫鑫 | 来源:发表于2018-05-06 21:01 被阅读0次

this article is written for my pregnant sister at the same time presented with you all expectant mother . after sit through this article, maybe you will get  new harvest about pregnant mother and understand them well,find out that why  they are greatest in this world.usually we say every child is a gift who sent by god.here is not like as an old saying goes that baby is precious than that mother is the greatest person who is an angel sent by god.mother makes much contribution in children rasing,always which are invisible and taken for granted.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

In this article,the investigation reports the experience about  the nursing of so many maternity homes, from which the nurse  murmured against the unjust treatment although usually puerpera fell unhappy and unsatisfied with , but they submitted to,finally they give up rosing against  they received. you can try to image your future situation whenever you give birth to a child,not just you smuggle yourself back in as a spectator,but also you think of yourself as a client whichever you will feel maternity suffering on account of it.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

The following is a beginning, and something follows from that – you are introduced to the puerpera, you begin to empathise with them, and so on.in other words,If you can understand what motivates their behavior, which their unjust treatment what  can not match with from The mother-in-law,you may be able to see them in a new, empathetic light.more understanding of what I said.

The nurse tells this story happened in  maternity ward ,in comic format,in her spare time.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

I am a obstetric nurse whose major work is responsible for production inspection,then providing a copy of prenatal chart ,afterwards the woman and maternal relatives are taken to doctor's to be recommended  keeping appointments as scheduled and reinforce the intensive care during the perinatal period .before maternity due date,they are brought to hospital, where I take charge of  preparation of the delivery and I am as a qualified consultant  in newborn baby care  to help baby getting of to a good start and so on.a little delivery room is like a prism that every kind of behavor  passes through can refracte human well-being and inconstancy of human relationships. there is mingled with indifference,without sympathy ,but some a bit of warmth.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

The author,a nurse working in delivery room,shares a few observations about whatever she she saw and heard in the spreading of mothers giving birth to children.these examples below give her a deep impression.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

first story

once a puerpera who was pregnant with a second baby waddled out to hospital for antenatal care ,  with heavily pregnant.she  was hospitalized for oligohydramnios,called her husband and nobody answered the telephone,so went to hospitalization procedure herself using her husband's credit card to pay the deposit,her husband called back immediately because of receiving  the withholding message.did you swipe my  credit card?she said yes and explained her  physical conditions to her husband who still was ignorant of her.I wonder if he feel sorry for his absent.later,the pregnant women gave early birth to baby, of whose premature babies were hospitalized  and sent to an incubator.  after her surgery, she awoke to looking for her new-born baby,she was perturbed to ask her husband standing around her bed: where was my baby?her husband said the baby had been sent to the oven. in order to assure  baby'mature ,he need to been roasted. hearing her husband'words I stand by her,I was so angry and funny.is he stupid or not caring?

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

the second

the pregnant gives birth to baby before parturient  due date when her husband goes out to buy breakfast.later,he is so excited that he praises  his wife amazing ,having a baby is as easy as laying an egg.It is a big ironic joke but obviously,he is busying in recording small video for the baby,but at that time his wife is pale and weak in bed.I looked very uncomfortable.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...


I am impressed by this case  doctors found that the head of the fetus was larger and the risk of vaginal delivery was greater.The woman was in pain and wanted to have a caesarean section, but the family did not want to,insisted on natural production.her mother -in -law emphasized they had not  had so more money for her caesarean section,she has to produce naturally.that day,pregnant mother finally gave birth to a fat baby after when she had suffered from the intense pain of laboring with their first boy with great courage.when she was introduced to the delivery room,her partner and relatives were so blessed and overjoyed  that they made the crucial mistake of ignoring she was boring the sharp pain and so weakness,pale,sweating.  so jollification  so that  she called her husband, and her husband didn't hear him.  It seemed that she had no excess of energy to call her husband out to pour a glass of water, so exhausted,and thirsty . at last I poured a glass of water for her.unless you have experienced the painful moment  of giving birth to a baby,until then you would  estimate  which kind of family you had married with.It would let a weak woman feel disappointed and chilling that time the most vulnerable.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

the forth

there is a commonsense explanation as we go out delivery room,the mother-in-law will come up  to  inquire if a boy or a girl,on the country only blood mother will care about their girls.on one occasion I heared a conversation between mothers like this.one said you were so capable ,or your daughter-in-law was in labor.the other said the weight of  my great grandson was eight jin,he tossed about all the night.one said after we had lunch,we could pack up a chicken soup for your daughter-in-law. the other said continually don't be concerned over her,her mother would braised chicken soup for her daughter afternoon.I got so angry at her words and were speechless for her.she was so hard -hearted.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...

the fifth

I remember a pregnant mother who  undergoes a caesarean  operation  in summer,she has no appetite and whose breast milk stopped flowing because of the hot weather.her mother -in-law always bring her crucian carp soup  to stimulate the production of breast milk during pregnancy and following childbirth.even though she doesn't like that taste and just eat a few, but she is urged to eat more .she beg her mother for not eating,but it fails.she doesn't agree.

daughter-in-law:I could not eat anymore and feel like vomiting when I smell fish.

mother-in-law:you must force yourself to eat so much crucian carp soup that the baby breastfed is more healthy,clever,stronger.

on the country, everytime the families come for a visit with fresh fruits and dishes which could heal the wound and for blood-deficiency, blood stasis or blood-dryness .

mother:daughter,don't worry about the breast milk that will come soon  after a few days.if you don't really have,it doesn't matter.baby could be fed with milk powder.you don't look well and need more conditioning.

at that moment,I feel what the point of my families and  husband's family care about.my families care about me,but husband's families not.

I am a nurse who everyday experienced of human well-being of this world at the department of obst...


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    本文标题:I am a nurse who everyday experi
