瑜伽学习生活分享 my journey of yoga study
11月2日,我开始了瑜伽学习之旅,一路上收获了好老师,好伙伴,很多美好的感动,我会带着这些美好去分享给更多的人。I started my yoga journey from 11.02, I met great teacher, nice friends, some beautiful moments. I would share those beautiful things to the rest of the world.
认知是一个不断深入,由外向内,由粗入细,永无止境的过程。瑜伽学习告一段落,瑜伽修行一直在路上。 understanding is a gradually deepening and endless process, from outside to inside, big to small. the practice on yoga is always on going.
真正的答案是靠持久中立地观察去发现的,不是给予的,也不是求得的,因为它来源于事实,不是人为的创造,而事实需要深入地观察才能发现它背后恒定的规律,离不开内观。有问题是好事,解决问题非易事,探索问题是趣事,有事也会没事。外在世界无边无际,内在世界亦是广阔无边,是否真有边界?The real answer is unfolded by persistent and neutral observation. It's not given by others, and it's not asked for. Cause it's rooted in truth, not artificial creation. It is only through deeply and silent observation that we could find the constant laws under the truth, which cannot be achieved without introspective observation. It's nice to have problems. It's not easy to solve problems. It's interesting to explore problems. You will be fine after problems. How big the outer world is, how broad the inner mind is. Enjoy your life.