荆州的夏天,是满眼碧绿的荷叶,迎风摇曳、婀娜多姿、硕大艳丽的荷花,是池塘弥漫的阵阵荷香,是密密麻麻、断了线的雨滴。 荊州的夏天是清荷的美丽,是碧波湖水的一望无际,是滚滚江面上传来渺茫的渔歌声,是采莲幺妹银铃般的采莲曲!
荷气生财In the summer of Jingzhou, it is full of green lotus leaves, swaying in the wind, graceful and colorful lotus flowers, the lotuses filled with lotus, the dense raindrops. The summer of Jingzhou is the beauty of Qinghe. It is the endless water of Bibo Lake. It is the sound of fishing songs that are uploaded from the river. It is the lotus song of the lotus sisters!
荷气生财 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香 楚荷留香