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【研经日课438天】Study 7 Mark 1-3章 复习

【研经日课438天】Study 7 Mark 1-3章 复习

作者: CoramDeo | 来源:发表于2020-07-09 05:25 被阅读0次
经文:可 1-3 复习


  1. 马可关于耶稣本人开始出来传道的描写,什么事情使你最受感动?耶稣最关心的是使人明白哪些真理呢?换句话说,祂所传”神的福音”的本质是什么?
    What strikes you most about Jesus in Mark's picture of Him at the beginning of His ministry? Of what truths was Jesus most concerned to make people aware? In other words, what is the essence of "the gospel of God" which He preached?
  2. 耶稣的行动引起了什么不同的反应和结果? 耶稣对哪一类人的给予最多的赐予? 我必须准备做什么才能属于这一类人? 那么我可以期待祂给我什么?
    What different kinds of reaction and result did the activity of Jesus provide? To which class of people was Jesus prepared to give most? What must I be prepared to do to belong to this class? What may I then expect Him to give me?



    本文标题:【研经日课438天】Study 7 Mark 1-3章 复习
