Are you ready for you?

作者: 迷恋成长 | 来源:发表于2019-04-02 13:28 被阅读97次

    What’s your life purpose? What’s your inner calling?

    What do you really want? What does your soul really want?

    What’s your mission? What’s your desire?

    Surrender, open, awareness, greatness, grace, grateful!

    Only present everywhere! Vibration, frequency, energy!

    Are you with me? Available now!

    What’s your passion? Find them!  Finding your intelligence, find your genius!

    Embrace the greatness, embrace the awareness!

    Say yes! Say yes! Say yes! ITs will hear you! That’s how get you there.

    It’s your energy and passion to attract people! Nothing else.

    Energy and passion, show you are alive! Not just your physical body, but also in a spiritual way!



        本文标题:Are you ready for you?
