Many among us spend a considerable part of our lives working – with many of us, these days, working from home. While there are many benefits offered by not going to the office – not commuting1, avoiding the rat race, and not having to panic about getting a seat if you hot-desk – there are also what some would call sacrifices. No more coffees with colleagues, chit-chats by the water cooler or going out for team-bonding meals. So, seeing as we rarely meet these people, why is it still important to be friends with those we work with?
Well, some reasons are obvious – working with like-minded people who you get on with can make those hours at work more fruitful and positive. Various situations are commonplace in the job you do, so having people to talk to about the intricacies of tasks could make your life easier. It's also nice knowing that you can have banter2 or a chinwag with people at work – and some of your colleagues may become friends in your