You Drive Your Own Life 20190925

作者: JackyHCXP | 来源:发表于2019-09-25 06:04 被阅读0次


Life is a progress and not a station人生是一段旅程,不是一个站点。

Word Groups

he distracts my attention in order to steal from me, how sly! 他转移我的注意力,就是为了从我这里偷东西,好狡猾!

Relative Automotive News

The Honda will use the electric vehicle to replace the diesel vehicle in the European market before 2021Y.

I woke up at 5:10 this morning, and then I learned 30 English words after washing.

we defined the COFs for the local market formulas by constant pressure method, we took the average from three groups data, due to we have limited time to run enough Krauss testing.

Roy asked me about how long we should change the disk, but I don't know, so I should ask this question from Wangda.

David Dai suggested the M83 should have a higher value, due to the first data was a noise data, much lower than the other two datas, after I discussed this suggestion with STC, we recommended around 0.320, so I sent a email to Roy, and waiting his reply this evening.

You Drive Your Own Life 20190925



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