我的极简生活2:Feeling Great!

我的极简生活2:Feeling Great!

作者: 赵隐剑Yin | 来源:发表于2017-08-11 23:18 被阅读0次

Hey there! Guess what?! Finally, I'm kind of getting used to this crazy life style, and start to fall in love with it!

After the day of my first article, I caught a cold and had a fever. It was not too bad, but along with the jet lag due to the exhausting trip from China to the U.S., and the fact that I couldn't lay down and sleep whenever I want as living in a public office, I felt like I was dying for that two days... Then, I realized I do need to have some rest to get over the cold and the jet lag as quickly as possible, so I went out and stayed in a hotel for one night. The hotel is called Freehand. They provide some dormitory-like rooms that several people can share together with very low price for each person. Thus, I was there during that day and night, I took a shower, and slept over 12 hours. After that, I felt like I was back to life!

Then, another trouble of living in an office showed up. The trouble is that there are cleaners who clean the office every weekday in the morning at about 4:00 AM, and sometimes even earlier, like 3:30 AM. Nevertheless, I made my way to overcome it. I try to sleep early at night, such as 9:00 PM, and get up in the morning at 3:00 AM, so that I end up sleeping for 6 hours in total, which should be enough.

By the way, I haven't introduced the way I sleep in my office. I have an air mattress! I fold it and hide it in one of my bags, and take it out at night when I want to sleep. I usually use a hairdryer to fill it with air. After covering some sheets on the air mattress, it becomes a pretty good bed. Of course, I have a pillow and a quilt hiding in one of my bags as well.

That's good for today I guess. The overall experience is getting better and better, and I'm kind of excited about what will happen next and how much money I can save in the long run!


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    本文标题:我的极简生活2:Feeling Great!
