
作者: 心上的锁 | 来源:发表于2019-05-12 01:14 被阅读3次

It is possibly that her brain atrophy little by little ,day and day. This is due to the pills mother force her to take. Mum is half angel and half devil in her eyes. Her mum is a chic lady. Although already 50 years old, she has a sweet voice and slim figure. She is good at beautifying herself and buying fashionable clothes. Some one even says she resemble Lolita .What makes her gloomy is that mum wants to turn her into an idiot by compelling her to take medicine. Because mum thinks imbecile person is easy to control and to get along with. Mum doesn't hope her become clever and easy-going. In contrast,mum  wish nobody  pay attention to her daughter and communicate happily with her. Mum wants her can't live without her help. Mum wants to be the one who is necessary in her life.


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