The new point to voyage

作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 22:31 被阅读104次

The instant you have completed your scheduled assignment,a newly assigned task will be waiting for you quietly somewhere you are doomed to encounter.Fortunately you possess sufficient energy and time to accomplish the process. It is probable that you may distract from the primary purpose but you can adjust your direction to avoid the original voyage. The prerequisites are that you insist on the designed route even if you are exhausted from complicated project.

There is certainty that obstacles block the way and you need someone who can lend you a sympathetic ear to you.But you hope to evolve to the point that you have overcome the obstacles and crawl into the top of the mountain.Creativity will predominate if you have super imagination instead of doing things that are incompatible with the existing ones.

The finite knowledge reserves will hinder the development of an individual .It is valuable for one not to swallowing his words.Being a vigorous person devoted to your present condition which corresponds with your characteristics and ability.

Occasionally you have to resist the internal pressure .Additionally the expansion of your view supplements limits to the imagination. The aspiration fascinates you and gleams like candles in the darkness. The relentless curiosity encourages explorers to explore the newly uncovered world. Preliminary speculation needs interpreting to prove its correctness and possibilities in logic ,rationality . The magical existence tempts you to seek the approachability as well as the capacity to pioneer,which reveals the courage and bravery.Merely those who are the first to taste crabs are called real heroes .Not all the routines are smooth and filled with steep waves to swallow the floating items.

Up and down in the surface you leap until the ocean recovers to the state of peace.


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