long lost penpal久别的笔友

作者: 拂晓亮剑 | 来源:发表于2019-08-18 18:23 被阅读4次
long lost penpal久别的笔友

2006年瑞典乐队hello saferide 的老歌,诉说一个年轻女孩和四十多岁男笔友的感情。






Do you remember me I am your long lost pen pal你好 记得我吗 久别的笔友

It must have been ten years ago we last wrote距离我们上一次通信已有十年

I don’t really know what happened I guess life came in the way不知后来发生了什么 或许生活本来就是这样吧

Let me know if you’re still alive Let me know if you ever used that knife or not我想知道你是否过得还好 你是否想开了那些事情

Hello Yes I remember you你好 我还记得你

I’ve got a husband and two children now work as an accountant and make fairly good money我已经结婚了 是两个孩子的妈妈 工作还不错 做会计

I still have your letters, you used a pink pen to write them我还留着你的信 那些用粉色笔写给我的信

And you would comfort me when my tears would stain the ink我的眼泪洇湿了墨迹 而你会安慰我

And I would send you mix tapes with Kate Bush on然后 我记得我会 寄KATE BUSH的磁带给你

I have to admit I sometimes lied in those letters其实我不得不承认 我在信里说过谎

Tried to make life better than it was I still wasn’t kissed at sixteen把我的生活说的很好 我的初吻并不是16岁

And I still need a friend而且我仍然需要一个朋友

There was this letter I never told you this back then这些写好的信 我从没想过要寄给你

But it would be fair to say it saved my life不过,现在看来,它们救了我的命

I sat in the window The only one left out from a party again我坐在窗边 唯一一个又中途退场的人

Pretty sure I didn’t have a single friend很确信 我一个朋友都没有

Then I checked the mailbox然后我查了查信箱

Dear long lost penpal I was lying the whole time亲爱的久别的笔友 其实我一直在说谎

I’m really a 46 years old man named Luke其实我叫LUKE 一个46岁的老男人

I have three children and a wife, she doesn’t care我有三个孩子 还有一个妻子 她根本不关心我

And I hope you don’t resent me And I hope you do not hate me我不奢望你会回信 只是希望你不要恨我

For trying to find my way back to what it’s like to be young我只是想找回那些像是年轻一样的东西


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