故事记录 | 面前的他们,这样教育孩子

故事记录 | 面前的他们,这样教育孩子

作者: 自由之鹿 | 来源:发表于2018-12-29 23:34 被阅读21次

    今天上午参加了一个英语角,受到触动,忍不住想记录触动我的东西。说英语的时候通常会有自由和直接的感觉,于是忍不住先用英语写下来。第一次用双语写作,还挺兴奋的。                                      —— 题记

    This morning, I went to an English corner, where people just have free talk in English.  However, in the last two hours, we talked mainly about education. We had only six people, with four have children. Every member shared their philosophy and stories about educating their children. Maybe that's because I asked some questions and showed agreement when one member shared something about his children. And every parent, actually, really cares about their children so much and could not help to talk about their children if there's any opportunity.


    Amazingly, I found that all of them stick to the philosophy of respecting children's nature, cultivating their self-decilipline and ability to make choices and decisions for themselves. To think further, they themselves all are open-minded people with a growth mindset; they love reading, love communicating with people, love to visit places of the world, and are always ready to know more about the world.


    So I couldn't help myself to write down their ideas and stories shared. I value these, because they are not celebrities of the society, such as famous stars or bestseller writers, with too high living conditions far from us ordinary people, but are just common people around you and me, just like you and me. Their stories maybe more illuminating and encouraging to us. What they do and how they think are more practical to us.


    The following will be their ideas and stories I could remember, not only about their children. So we may get a little bit information about how they are living a growing and flourishing life, and get some perception about the relationship between their educating philosophy and their lifestyle.


    Member A      A businessman from Korea, about 50 years old, has lived in China for years

    伙伴A   一位在中国生活了多年的韩国商人,大概50岁

    At the beginning, he shared many ideas about how to do business. He proposed that business people/suppliers should go to different cities to talk with various people, then you can get some useful and practical information rather than just sitting in the office searching  for information online. That's enlightening for me to develop my own work, even if I am not doing business but working with children. For example, when taking with people in saloons, I get to know more about how parents are thinking about education and what kind of extra courses or activities they may choose for their children.


    This gentleman has two sons, and both of them are in college in Beijing. His two children have been growing happily and have entered college smoothly. Maybe this story could be illuminating for you, if you are in anxiety about your children's education.


    Early when the sons were in kindergarten, this father had noticed they were 'in love with' some girl in class. When his little son's 'girl friend' went back to Korea, the son got gloomy for more than one week.  He could remember this small specific story and talk with tender tone and smile, which implies he understands and cherishes the pure love in children's world. When in primary school, this father had told his sons that, if they fall in love with any pretty girl, it's good, and they can take their girl friends home to play together. But interestingly, the sons just considered their father as weird, because their mother didn't think it's good to fall in love so early.

    在他儿子还在上幼儿园时,这个爸爸就注意到他的儿子在班里有非常"相爱"的女朋友。 他小儿子的"女朋友"后来回韩国了,儿子有一个星期都郁郁寡欢。他记得儿子这样一件具体的小事,并且讲述的时候非常温柔带着微笑,感觉他懂得并且珍视孩子的世界里那种纯真的爱。儿子们上小学的时候他就告诉他们,如果他们爱上了哪个漂亮的女孩,可以邀请她们来家里玩。但很有趣的是,儿子们认为爸爸很奇怪,因为妈妈觉得过早恋爱很不好。

    He said he never set requirement his sons in school study, nor sent them to any supplementary classes. Private tutors only came home to support for homework. After finishing homework, the sons could spend their time totally freely on themselves to do anything they like. I think this could give children enough space to develop freely to be themselves. After they went to senior high, the sons themselves decided to study hard, without any reminder or push by the parents, because they themselves wanted to go to colleges and felt the pressure. His philosophy was that children need to practice and are able to make decisions for themselves. For whether to go to college in China or back in Korea, he made his sons choose for themselves, and he would ask their reasons to help them think and decide.  But he would give his advice when necessary. For example, he told them to serve in the army before they graduate from college, because it's not as easy to find a job if you haven't any work experience in two years after graduation.


    When we talked about hobbies and persistence, he said his second son didn't do well in study, but the boy loved and was good at painting, so the family supported him to learn painting and to apply art major for college. Then he did very well and entered college successfully. Recently he is organizing an art exhibition of joint universities with art students of Tsinghua University. This father's idea is that, do not worry about your child, but just to know them, it's easy to see what they like and do well in, and support them to develop in this field.


    I think, why he can take it easy is because he has reflected on his own life and had the experience of making life choice for himself. After he finished college, his mother hoped him to work as civil servant or school teacher and to marry a girl of the similar job, because then life would be stable. But he thought the life path almost everyone was chasing as quite boring; he tried to seek more possibilities and choices for life. So he came to China for business and lived a life he could enjoy very much.


    He has the awareness that, parents always would like to give their children what they think is good, including himself. He hoped his sons could have diverse choices for life, so he asked them to choose colleges between Korean and China.

    But in my view, the point is that, he has been supporting his children to be themselves, with little intervention.



    Member B  A graceful lady, nearly 40, with two twin daughters of 11

    伙伴B  一位优雅的女士,将近40岁,有一对11岁的双胞胎女儿

    She quitted her job two years ago, and started to live in an enjoyable way, to try many things she had been longing for but never did. Except for taking care of her daughters, she takes part in diverse activities to meet new friends, go to see old friends, go to English corners, and has started to draw even though she never learned how to draw.


    She had never cooked before either, but started to learn cooking two month ago. Every morning,  she gets up at 6, and spend half an hour to cook for her family. She shared with us the pictures of breakfast she made, really beautiful and attractive. She seldom wore make-up before she quitted job, but started to wear make-up after that, and her workmates all said she changed a lot.


    There was a girl who just graduated form college, hoping to improve spoken English for a job in England. This lady encouraged her with her own experience. Until last year, she nearly had opened her mouth for English. She aspired to speak English, so she persisted to go to an English corner in her residence community. Now, after one year, even though neither very fluent, nor with many high level expressions, she could communicate in English naturally and calmly.

    She said, "I want to live my life positively, to be a model for my daughters." She spoke everything in quite a mild and peaceful way, rather than too stimulated. This really impressed me.



    For her daughters, she also told them, if any of them would like to commit in a relationship with a boy, they are free and she will be happy to let them take their boy friends home to play. Because she read from some experts that, children are more curious about what they are forbidden to do, so the more parents inhibit children's affection, the more energy they will put in it, secretly. Instead, if you allow them and trust them, they spend little energy to revolt, or they may take less interest in affairs of love.


    She  also let her children choose hobbies by themselves, to explore what they want to do in the future. They quitted dancing, she thought that's OK, because they couldn't enjoy it. Then the twins chose painting, which they love and do well in. She insists them to persist learning, because they are good at this, even if they finally found painting is not what they really are really passionate in, or they may fail to recognize what they really love to do, they could still get a skill to count on for life. She got a friend who takes children to travel in summer and winter vocation every year, to let children see and experience the world, and then she decided to do the same.


    Member C  Starter of the Cafe, about 40, with two daughters of 11 and x

    伙伴C  咖啡馆的发起人,40岁左右,有两个女儿

    Though she didn't talked too much about her daughters, I would like to share something about this wise lady.


    She started this cafe not to sell cafes, but to provide a place for people to communicate, to promote each other, because she really cherishes this original function of cafes in Europe. I appreciate that she usually can see things in different aspects. Last time when we talked, I was inspired by her ideas of 'International vision' and 'to commit in things that'll be the trend of the world'. She started this English corner and hoped to communicate thoughts with people,  as well as to improve her oral English. She felt somewhat hesitated because she didn't think she could speak English well, but she just started, and persisted for one year. I admire her action and persistence.


    Today what she shared included an interesting small story about her 11 year old daughter. She herself felt somehow regretful that she was not taught by her mother how to primp, so she choose not to prevent her daughter when she tried to put efforts in dressing up. As young as 11, her daughter had her hair curled fashionably, and often enjoys looking at herself in the mirror, asking mother, 'Look, how beautiful I am'. She humorously imitated how her daughter looked in the mirror, and said, 'It's great for her to be so confident since very young'. This lovely moment was printed in my heart.


    Member D    A businessman about 40, with two daughters of 11 and 2

    伙伴D    商人,40岁左右,有两个女儿

    He runs business in Qingdao, and his family are in Changchun. Every evening he concentrates on reading for three hours, and he shared with us an article he just read in the morning to motivate people for a happy life with self-discipline. I thought the information he shared is a great reminder for me on how to spend my energy more efficiently, because I am longing for reading so many books.


    He shared that, parents don't have to take exam scores too important, while it's more important to cultivate children's skills for real life, such as communicating and making choices.  He totally let his elder daughter manage her study on her own, because when he was young he totally managed himself. Since his daughter was born, her mother started to read books for her every night. Now she loves reading so much and every night before sleeping she has to read.  Besides reading, he also takes his daughter to travel in different places of the world. They lived in Shenzhen for several years. After they went to Thailand, the daughter thought Shenzhen is much better than Thailand.  This father said, she got her own idea according to her own experience.


    These are the people and stories that impressed me this morning. In my opinion, these adults are ordinary people, but are living their life in a very positive and flourishing way, pursuing real happiness, and always opening their mind to the world, trying to be themselves, so they open their mind to their children and are leading them to become themselves, to live a free and flourishing life.

    They can be so close to happiness, so can you, so can I.





        本文标题:故事记录 | 面前的他们,这样教育孩子
