The Lord’s glory

作者: 紫罗兰Shirley | 来源:发表于2019-06-09 09:10 被阅读2次

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the lord, who is the Spirt. ---Corinthians3:18

The most eminent morality of the believers’ is to open their heart without any secret before the Lord, so that his life become other’s a mirror. We are changed while the holy spirt fills with us, because of looking upon God, we will become a mirror. If a person has the Lord’s glory, you will perceive from his attitude, and feel that he has the reflection of God’s temperament. But we need to beware of the things made mirror dim. Most of them are good, but they are not the best.

Our living criteria is to focus on opening our heart before the Lord, but let other things go, including working, clothing, food and all things on the earth. When some minor things continue to pour in our lives, it is easy to affect the single-minded with God. So, we need to look upon the Lord’s glory. Meanwhile, keeping on our lives completely belong to the holy spirit. No matter what happen to any things, never let anything dim the Christ life hidden within God together. Don’t let the busy life destroy the relationship with God. Actually, it is easy to make us flabby about this thing, so we need to beware. The strict practice of the believers is to learn how to see the Lord’s glory like the reflection from the mirror. 



    本文标题:The Lord’s glory
