原创: Master Huijing PureLandBuddhism
The mind creates everything. To learn the compassion of the Buddhas, we must start from our minds. What kind of mind should we maintain? First, think positively. In other words, we should try our best to see others' words and deeds in a wholesome light. This way we can avert opposition and conflict, and realize harmony and even peace.
Story begins
There is a story on the internet titled Turn Grievances into Blessings – Don't Underestimate Your Tiniest Thought. It's an account of a couple in America whose son was rebellious and stubborn. He always disobeyed them and brought them trouble. The parents were so annoyed and the family was unhappy.
Later the son ran away from home. Like a loose kite, he disappeared for quite some years without a single word, not even a telephone call. What a tragedy for the family!
Doctor's advice
During those years, the parents worried and suffered. One day the father visited a psychiatrist and told him about his son's wrongdoings. When he finished, the doctor didn't reply. Instead, he asked: "How long have you been cursing your son like this?"
The father was startled and puzzled. He thought: I just described some of my son's shortcomings; how can you say I was cursing him? He is my own flesh and blood. I only wish him the very best. Why did you say it was a curse?
In fact, the psychiatrist's words had an implicit meaning, though the father couldn't appreciate it at the moment.
The doctor explained, To "curse" means to blame others for their faults, to speak ill of them. You've been relentlessly describing your son's misdeeds. What you have done is just to curse him!
The father was astonished: If this is so, I've been cursing him ever since he was born!" He told the psychiatrist frankly: "Yes. I've never said any words of praise to him. In other words, I've been cursing him his entire life."
The doctor said: "And what was the result of such cursing? A stressful family atmosphere. Constant conflict between father and son, and a lack of affection. Right?" The father nodded.
Since the cause of the sickness had been identified, the right therapy must be administered. The psychiatrist gave the father three prescriptions to apply in the next two months:
"Every time you think about your son, recall his strengths rather than his flaws."
"Each time you speak of him, talk about his positive qualities and not his negative ones."
"Constantly pray for him and ask heaven to bless him."
When he got home, the father repeated the psychiatrist's words to his wife. The couple accepted the advice and willingly followed it. From that day, they began to pray for their son, think of his positive qualities and talk about his merits, not his shortcomings.
The consequence was quick, almost instantaneous …
Turning point
Ten days later, while the father was reading at home, the phone rang. He picked it up and it was his son, the one who had left home for three or four years without a word.
The son said: "Dad, I'm really not sure why I called. I just want you to know that in the past week I suddenly thought of you and Mom and our family. I can't help but call to say hello to you …"
The father was filled with delight and comfort. He excitedly told his son: "I'm so happy you called." They talked over the phone for a couple of minutes. Then the father risked a request: "I don't know if you'll agree, but will you have lunch with me this Saturday?" The son happily assented.
Weekend lunch
At that weekend lunch, father and son got together. The latter was wearing shabby clothing. His hair was long and tousled. In the past, the father would have harshly rebuked the son. But this time, he just welcomed his child with a receptive attitude and blessed him silently. He asked a few questions and listened to his son's answers. Whenever the latter said something correct, the father affirmed and commended it.
As the lunch was about to end, the son looked at his father and said: "Dad, I've no idea what's going on. But I've really enjoyed being with you." The father said: "Son, I'm also happy to be with you!" The younger man went on: "Dad, can I stay at home overnight? Just tonight. I'd like to see Mom and the others, and my old bed." The father said: "Of course, please come! This is your home. You should have come back. And we are a family. How wonderful that we can be together!"
Throughout that day, the father dwelt in a state of surprise. When he stopped cursing his son, things began to change not even 180 degrees but 360.
That night, when the son was in his bed, the father came into the room, sat down and said: "My boy, for so many years I treated you badly. Will you forgive me?" The son said: "Dad, of course!" They hugged each other, and their relationship began to improve.
But when did the healing actually begin? It started when the parents began to bless their son.
When we bless others instead of cursing them, heaven takes note of our blessing. According to law of karma, such a blessing returns to us as well. This is the natural working of cause and effect. Every thought that arises in our mind and every sentence we speak go forth into the world, but they will eventually rebound upon ourselves. The universe is a single entity. Our thoughts, words and deeds produce fruits whose ultimate harvesters aren't others but ourselves. What we sow is what we shall reap. If we seed a curse, we will receive a curse. If we plant a blessing, we'll be rewarded with a blessing.
From On Love
A Discourse by Dharma Master Huijing
Pure Land Buddhism Amitabha-Recitation Society
December 23 and 27, 2015
──2015年12月23、27日 慧净法师于净土宗弘愿念佛会开示