
作者: 果大喵喵 | 来源:发表于2018-12-08 04:36 被阅读3次

# Harmful perspective of egocentric(自尊的另一面是自我中心)

Egocentric is a thinking habit of "Mine is the best". It is harmful, since it is a habit of mind. A habit is never vanished once it established. It will prevent us from observe, listen and understand the others. We won’t pay attention to, if we thought they won't offer anything valuable.

We will stop bothering with laborious task of investigating controversial issues, poring over expert testimony, and evaluating evidence, since we treat our opinions are the final and infallible arbiter.  

*Experts pitfall

The more a celebrity is, they would think their saying is profound, for no other reason than "they said it".

*Are numbers absolutely rational?

Sometimes statistical errors are even intentional. More often “they are the result of confusion, incompetence, innumeracy, or selective, self-righteous efforts to produce numbers that reaffirm principles and interests that their advocates consider just and right.”

- Joel Best

Be vigilant, that statistics do not exist independently. They are more some summaries of complex information.

Life always starts with a question, ends up with soul interrogation. That's what you cherish, where your value stands. 

He that follows after righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness, and honour.

- Proverbs 21:21

Achievement Massive_Katti


Under the line is keeping space, hope in patient.


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