阿甘正传 第二章 10

阿甘正传 第二章 10

作者: 山姆大叔邻居 | 来源:发表于2017-10-24 11:22 被阅读0次

阿甘正传 第二章 10

中英双语朗读 点击收听

> 那天晚上我妈接到那家伙父母打来的电话,说我要是再碰他们儿子,他们就要报警把我“关起来”。我尽力跟妈妈解释,她说她了解,不过我看得出她在担心。她告诉我,由于我现在块头太大,我得留心自己,因为我可能会伤到别人。我点头保证绝不会伤害任何人。那天晚上我躺在床上,听到她在她房间独个儿哭。

> 不过,铆那家伙脑袋的事,使我对打球的看法完全改变。第二天,我要求费拉斯教练让我直接带球跑,他说好,结果我一口气撞倒了四五个家伙,冲破重围,他们又爬起来追我。那一年我入选“全州美式橄榄球明星队”,我简直无法相信。我生日那天,我妈送给我两双袜子和一件新衬衫。她的确存了些钱,还给我买了一套新西装,要我穿着它去领取“全州美式橄榄球奖”,那是我平生第一套西装。妈妈替我打上领带,我就这样出发了。

> That night my mama get a phone call from the boy's parents, say if I lay a hang on their son again they is goin to call the authorities and have me "put away." I tried to explain it to my mama and she say she understand, but I could tell she was worried. She tells me that since I am so huge now, I got to watch mysef, cause I might hurt somebody. And I nodded and promised her I wouldn't hurt nobody else. That night when I lyin in bed I heard her cryin to hersef in her room.

> But what that did for me, knockin that boy upside the head, put a definite new light on my football playin. Next day, I asked Coach Fellers to let me run the ball straight on and he say okay, and I run over maybe four or five guys till I'm in the clear and they all had to start chasin me again. That year I made the All State Football team. I couldn't hardly believe it. My mama gives me two pair of socks and a new shirt on my birthday. And she done saved up and bought me a new suit that I wore to get the All State Football award. First suit I ever had. Mama tied my tie for me and off I went.



    本文标题:阿甘正传 第二章 10
