
作者: 山姆大叔邻居 | 来源:发表于2017-10-19 14:30 被阅读40次


阿甘正传  第二章 07  中英双语朗读  @山姆大叔邻居 微信号:天天英语联盟

阿甘正传第二章07中英双语朗读 阿甘正传第二章07中英双语朗读

> 过了大概一天左右,那家伙在走廊上拦住我,说他会“逮到”我。我一整天心惊胆战,那天下午我走出教室要去体育馆,他和一群朋友一起等在那儿。我想换个方向,但他走过来,动手推我肩膀,叫我“呆子”什么的,然后他揍我肚子。那一拳并不很疼,可是我哭了起来,转身就跑,我听到他跟在后面,还有其他人也在追我。我使出全力拼命跑向体育馆,穿过足球练习场,突然,我看见费拉斯教练坐在看台上,望着我。追我的那些家伙停下来,掉头走了。费拉斯教练的表情真奇怪,他叫我立刻换球衣。过了一会儿,他走进衣物间,手里拿着一张纸,纸上画了三种战术——三种!——叫我尽可能记牢。

> 那天下午练球的时候,他把所有球员分成两队。突然间,四分卫把球传给我,我应该沿着线的右端外侧奔向球门柱。他们统统开始追我,我立刻拼命跑——我闪过了七八个人才被他们扑倒。费拉斯教练开心极了,蹦蹦跳跳,又吼又叫,拍大家的背。我们以前跑过不少次,想看看能跑多快,可是我猜,我被人追的时候跑得要快多了。哪个白痴不是这样?

> A day or so later, that guy come up to me in the hall and says he's gonna "get" me. All day I was afraid terribily, and later that afternoon, when I was leaving to go to the gym, there he is, with a bunch of his friends. I tried to go the other way, but he come up to me and start pushin me on the shoulders. And he's sayin all kinds of bad things, callin me a "stupo" and all, and then he hit me in the stomach. It didn't hurt so much, but I was startin to cry and I turned and begun to run, and heard him behind me and the others was runnin after me too. I just run as fast as I could toward the gym, across the practice football field and suddenly I seen Coach Fellers, settin up in the bleachers watchin me. The guys who was chasin me stop and go away, and Coach Fellers, he has got this real peculiar look on his face, and tell me to get suited up right away. A while later, he come in the locker room with these plays drawn on a piece of paper— three of them— and say for me to memorize them best I can.

> That afternoon at the football practice, he line everbody up in two teams and suddenly the quarterback give me the ball and I'm suposed to run outside the right end of the line to the goalpost. When they all start chasin me, I run fast as I can— it was seven or eight of them before they could drag me down. Coach Fellers is mighty happy; jumpin up and down and yellin and slappin everbody on the back. We'd run a lot of races before, to see how fast we could run, but I get a lot faster when I'm being chased, I guess. What idiot wouldn't?

> Vocabularies:  bleachers  看台  peculiar  怪异的  play drawn 战术图  quarterback 四分卫  goalpost 球门柱; mighty 非常的; slap 拍打



