重温经典好书共读-阿甘正传 第二章 05

作者: 山姆大叔邻居 | 来源:发表于2017-10-17 16:08 被阅读34次

    阿甘正传  第二章 05  中英双语朗读 


    > 猜猜谁来了我的自习教室?珍妮·柯伦。她从走廊上过来跟我说,她记得小学一年级跟我是同学。她已经出落得亭亭玉立,一头亮丽乌黑的头发,腿长长的,有一张漂亮的脸蛋,还有别的,我不敢讲。

    > 费拉斯教练并不满意球队的情况。他好像经常很不高兴,总是在吼叫。他也吼我。他们设法让我站在原地不动,只需要阻止对方抓住我方带球的家伙,但是除非他们把球传到中线,否则这法子可不管用。教练对我拦截的动作也不满意,我告诉你,我可花了不少时间在那棵橡树上。可我就是怎么也没法子照他们要求的动作扑倒带球员。我心里有顾忌。

    > Guess who should be in my homeroom class but Jenny Curran. She come up to me in the hall and say she remember me from first grade. She was all growed up now, with pretty black hair and she was long-legged and had a beautiful face, and they was other things too, I dare not mention.

    > The football was not goin exactly to the likin of Coach Fellers. He seemed displeased a lot and was always shouting at people. He shouted at me too. They tried to figure out some way for me to just stay put and keep other folks from grappin our guys carryin the ball, but that didn't work except when they ran the ball right up the middle of the line. Coach was not too happy with my tacklin neither, and let me tell you, I spent a lot of time at that oak tree. But I just couldn't get to where I would throw mysef at the ball guy like they wanted me to do. So kept me from it.



        本文标题:重温经典好书共读-阿甘正传 第二章 05
