I Had a Crow Once

作者: 豹豹君 | 来源:发表于2019-08-07 13:23 被阅读4次

    I had a crow, once.

    He was always happy, never minded what the others.

    Flowing down and up the trees ,like a free water-drop .

    Caw,caw,caw .

    Cracked like fire flowers into your brain.

    When I was cooking, 'Put the musturd in.'he said, 'Loads and more, that will be more wonderful and spicy.'

    When I was picking up the cigarette butt the old man threw away, the one walked in front of me 'Let it go, it will burn a fire.It's his fault not yours.'Looking at my look, he scilenced a while and flew onto the old guy's shoulder and cursed him.

    When I was drawing, 'Too much color, too little dark, that's not you, that's not me.'

    When I was learning dances,'Be happy, be free, like a bird , like me, look at me.'He then hopped from one branch to another, some sort of a falling leaf, some sort of tree spirt.Never did the normal way other birds would do, sliding over the sky which he had given the defination.

    One day, he flew away, disappearing in a sudden unexpected way.Then they told me 'You've grown up finally.''I'm so glad' they smiled and prounded of another me.

    But sometimes I miss the crow the only birdie which used to belong to me. Which  messed everything  but I was both angry and pleased to be with.

    I know now he is my cold humour, my bad taste, some uncontrolled but controlled temper, something that I want to do but now don't.

    I put a trashy cave into the tree, hoping one day he might come, perch on the top of a twig and spit to me.He may kick the net like a dung stone like the usual way he did long long before.

    'Hey, you know why you fed up with me?

    cuz you sometimes are a coward.'

    'Hey, you know why I like you?

    A-ha, easy, you are sometimes full of nuts.'

    The crow, once I had.




        本文标题:I Had a Crow Once
