The Story of Philosophy的第152句:第1章Plato第2节II. Socrates第12段第1句:
Then the revolution came, and men fought for it and against, bitterly and to the death. When the democracy won, the fate of Socrates was decided: he was the intellectual leader of the revolting party, however pacific he might himself have been; he was the source of the hated aristocratic philosophy; he was the corrupter of youths drunk with debate. It would be better, said Anytus and Meletus, that Socrates should die.
1、Then the revolution came, and men fought for it and against, bitterly and to the death.
bitterly:extremely and sharply激烈地
We all complained bitterly about the uneatable breakfast.我们都强烈抱怨着那没法吃的早餐。《简爱》
to the death:with all of your energy and effort
A battle with Triceratops is more often than not a fight to the death.与三角龙的决斗常常是生死之战。《探索频道:恐龙之战》