720流利阅读:看欧美剧脸盲是怎么回事The common perception that people from other racial groups look alike is rooted in the way human brains process what they see, researchers say.
It has long been known that people find it easier to tell apart members of their own race than those of a different race. Now a new study backs up the idea that the phenomenon is rooted, at least in part, in visual and neural processes.
The researchers, whose study has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reported how 20 white participants were shown a series of images including faces, numbers and objects, while they had their brains scanned using functional MRI — a technique that allowed the team to spot changes in activity.
这项研究已经发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上。研究人员报告,他们向 20 名白人参与者展示了一系列图像,包括面部、数字和物体,并用功能性核磁共振成像技术扫描了他们的大脑——这项技术可以让研究团队观察大脑活动的变化。
In 19 of the 20 participants, a greater area of the face-recognition region was activated when the participants saw a white face compared with a black face. The researchers said that it suggested participants were better at picking up on physical differences between white faces — even for faces completely different to each other, brain activity was higher for white faces.
在 20 名参与者中,有 19 人在看到一张白人面孔时,大脑中负责面部识别区域的激活程度比看到黑人面孔的时候更强。研究人员说,这表明参与者更善于识别白人面孔之间的差别;即使看到的同种肤色的面孔之间完全不同,他们看到白人面孔时的大脑活动还是更强。
The researchers said the findings could help to investigate ways to avoid harmful biases. Nick Camp, the co-author of the research from Stanford University, said some evidence suggested the phenomenon could depend on which characteristics were used to group people. He said: “Getting people to think about groups in different ways, or re-categorising individuals, might be an effective way of combating even these low-level perceptual biases.”
racial/ˈreɪʃl/ adj. 种族的,人种的
搭配短语:the system of racial segregation
ethnic 例句:The movie features lead actors of various ethnic origins.
ethnic, racial
ethnic 和 racial 都可以表示“种族的”,ethnic 更侧重于文化习俗方面的不同,它不单指种族,还可以指民族。而 racial 更多指人的外在特征和样貌,最典型的特征莫过于肤色、或者是眼睛、头发的颜色。
adj. 神经的;神经系统的
英文释义:relating to nerves or the nervous system
例句:Neural networks are applied in machine learning.
n. 认识,观念,看法
perceive 例句:It was only meant to be a joke, but she perceived it as an insult.
例句:There is no truth. There is only perception.
be rooted in 深深扎根于;源于
720流利阅读:看欧美剧脸盲是怎么回事相关词汇: root(n. 树根,根基)
近义词:have its roots in sth.
近义词:stem from sth.
例句:High crime rates are typically rooted in widespread unemployment and poverty.
tell apart 分辨;区分
例句:The twins look so much alike that I just can't tell them apart.
back up 证实;支持
n. 事件;议项;会议记录
spot/spɑːt/ v. 看见,看出;注意到
face-recognition/feɪs ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/
n. 面部识别
recognition 英文释义:the identification of someone or something
recognition 同义词:identification
搭配短语:face-recognition algorithms
activate/ˈæktɪveɪt/ v. 激活
720流利阅读:看欧美剧脸盲是怎么回事pick up on
英文释义:become aware of or sensitive to something
例句:I failed to pick up on the humor in his remark.
bias/ˈbaɪəs/ n. 偏见;偏心;偏袒
bias, prejudice
bias 指的是“根据个人好恶或成见,提出的带有偏差的意见”,而 prejudice 往往更进一步,指“带有恶意的偏见”。
v. 对…进行分类,将…归类
combat/ˈkɑːmbæt, kəmˈbæt/ v. 打击;对抗;制止
720流利阅读:看欧美剧脸盲是怎么回事英文释义:to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening
例句:I have to combat my constant desire to eat chocolate.
adj. 感知的;知觉的
异族效应在不同人群中的表现并不完全相同。一般来说,多数种群比少数种群更容易产生异族效应,比如白人比黑人更容易“脸盲”。 所以,在欧美国家的法庭上指证黑人嫌疑犯时通常还要结合证词,交叉指认,避免因为分不清楚长相而造成误判。