1.If loud noises and bright lights bother him, he needs more of it, not less. The world is not a sensory-friendly place and that's where he needs to learn where to live.
2.Life is a series of choices, none of which are new,.The oldest is choosing to be a victim, or choose not to. Second oldest, loyalty. Family first, good times or bad.
3.You think if ...you don't fight back, then maybe they'll like you? stop picking on you, calling you freak? Here is what they don't like you, they don't dislike you, they are afraid of you, you are different. sooner or later different scares people. Victim or not? Make your decision.
Chris一晚上看完人工智能公司15年账目,查出漏账4.But if you can put aside for a moment what your pediatrician and all the other NT's have said about your son, you will find he is a genius.
5.What if we're wrong? What if we've been using the wrong tests to quantify intelligence in children with autism? Your son's not less-than. He's different. Now, your expectations for your son may change over time,they might include marriage, children, self-sufficiency. They might not. But I guarantee you if we let the world set expectations for our children, they'll start low and they'll stay there.