Chapter 1 Before Breakfast(3)
Fern came slowly down the stairs. Her eyes were red from crying. As she approached her chair, the carton wobbled, and there was a scratching noise. Fern looked at her father. Then she lifted the lid of the carton. There, inside, looking up at her, was the newborn pig. It was a white one. The morning light shone through its ears, turning them pink.
"He's yours," said Mr. Arable. "Saved from an untimely death. And may the good Lord forgive me for this foolishness."
Fern couldn't take her eyes off the tiny pig. "Oh," she whispered. "Oh, look at him! He's absolutely perfect."
She closed the carton carefully. First she kissed her father, then she kissed her mother. Then she opened the lid again, lifted the pig out, and held it against her cheek. At this moment her brother Avery came into the room. Avery was ten. He was heavily armed---an air rifle in one hand, a wooden dagger in the other.
"What's that?" he demanded. "What's Fern got?"
"She's got a guest for breakfast, " said Mrs. Arable.
"Wash your hands and face, Avery!"
"Let's see it!" said Avery, setting his gun down. "You call that miserable thing a pig? That's a fine specimen of a pig---it's no bigger than a white rat."
本部分原文节选共215 个单词。
In there any sentence or spot in this part touched you?
1 wobble:to move unsteadily from side to side, or make something do this
2 couldn't take her eyes off:她目不转睛,她的视线不能离开
If there is something that really abtract you ,you will couldn't take your eyes off it.
3 demand: to ask for something very firmly, especially because you think you have a right to do this 询问(很坚定自己有权知道)
1 untimely: happening too soon or sooner than you expected
untimely death 过早死亡
2 heavily armed: 全副武装的
3 miserable: very small in amount, or very bad in quality
实际上miserable thing 在句中并不是表示可怜的,而是强调小猪实在太小了。
1 fine specimen: 好样本
There, inside, looking up at her, was the newborn pig. It was a white one. The morning light shone through its ears, turning them pink.