14/30 练习 day7

作者: 依然如水 | 来源:发表于2018-11-06 17:01 被阅读5次


    我翻:In 2018, we look forward to the world of more cooperation and less frictions. We will broaden the partnership network and build up a structure with stability and balance. We will committed to the concept and strengthen the relationship with neighbors, which means more cooperation and less problems. It will help to build a community with a shared future for Asia. We will stick to the right idea -- to strengthen the cooperation with other developing countries, to reject into new core, to forge the new international relationship. 

    官翻:In 2018, we look forward to a world of more cooperation and less friction. China will expand its global network of partnerships and build a framework for major country relations featuring overall stability and balanced development. With regard to our relations with neighbors, we will follow the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. We will broaden cooperation and narrow differences with them to jointly build a community of shared future in Asia. We will uphold justice while pursuing shared interests for greater solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries. We will add new dimensions to our cooperation mechanisms with Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Arab countries to keep the mechanisms vibrant in changing circumstances. Such efforts will enable us to set an example for a new type of international relations. 


    1. 第一句话几乎翻译的一模一样,哈哈哈~~~太激动了!看来翻译是有套路的,结构是可以慢慢琢磨出来的。

    2. 黑体字部分是需要学习的短语和句型,都是新的表达方式。

    3. 看来积累是关键。把这篇演讲稿钻研透了,其他类似文章就会容易一点吧。


    我翻:In 2018, we look forward to the world of more trust and less misunderstanding. Under the complicated situation, countries should more trust and less envy each other to solve the difficulties for several years with political strategies. We should hand in hand to strive for win-win bright prospect.  Recently, situation of the Korean Peninsula is moderating. Each should take the opportunity -- show the sincerity for  dialogue and negotiation, be positive to do good things for interaction. As a reliable partner, China will stay committed to equality among countries no matter what is large or small, strong or weak, rich or poor. We will make great efforts to communication and negotiation instead of conflict and divergence. We will play a constructive role in solving regional hot issues with political strategy. We wish the theme of future world will be dialogue and consultation in the same boat. 

    官翻:In 2018, we look forward to a world of more trust and less estrangement. To navigate the complicated international landscape, countries need to have more mutual trust and less suspicion. Efforts must be made to find political solutions to long-running hotspots and thorny issues and bring about outcomes that will benefit all parties. The current momentum of easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula presents all parties with an opportunity to demonstrate greater sincerity for dialogue and negotiation and to facilitate more good interactions. To put it more broadly, as a partner that all sides can count on, China will continue to uphold the equality of countries, regardless of their size, strength and wealth, stand for dialogue and consultation as the only approach to disputes and differences, support political settlement to regional hotspots and act constructively to that end. It is our sincere hope that dialogue and cooperation will prevail in our world. 




      本文标题:14/30 练习 day7
