
作者: 黑白书签 | 来源:发表于2024-04-27 21:17 被阅读0次

01 How to Get Real Rest

One insight is that our brains and bodies seem to need different intervals of rest: short daily breaks and longer intervals weekly脑袋和身体需要的是不一样的休息方式

Whether it's a weekly yoga class or a daily game of breakroom ping pong, rest allows your brain to switch from active problem-solving to its daydreaming state.所以运动也算大脑休息的一种方式?

intermittent periods of mind-wandering and passive-rest are critical for memory and creativity. 走神竟然对创造力至关重要

A survey of 18,000 people from 134 countries found that time in nature, listening to music, and reading for leisure were some of the most frequently listed resting activities. 那我要多多增加亲近自然,以后多去公园散步晒太阳

But if something makes you feel joy or causes you to lose track of time, there’s a good chance it's restorative.应该算是感兴趣或者有意义的事情,或者让自己感到平静的事情

the scrolling and binge-watching we often revert to when we are “doing nothing” isn’t restful at all, because it diverts our attention and causes us to disengage. 网上冲浪原来不属于放松行列

Even listening to music or reading a book becomesmore meaningful when it leads to good conversation with the people around you听歌和看书每天都做,有意义的聊天随缘

02 The Science of Intuition—and How to Tune Into Your Own

When we speak about our intuition, we often talk of it as a feeling. Something “feels” off, though we can’t necessarily explain why. 让我想到了第六感

Joseph Mikels, professor of psychology at DePaul University, has researched intuition as an emotional process that can lead to better decision-making, especially when matters are complex.就像电脑的编程再好,也设计不出像人类的情感过程

How to build your intuition?


Think back on decisions you made in which you ignored your gut feelings.

2:Consult your gut feelings多多思考

When you need to make decisions, make it a habit to also consult your feelings on the matter.

3:Make room for quiet让自己有静一静的时间

Our intuition is dimmed if we are constantly listening to news, opinions, and entertainment. Shut out the noise for a little while.

4:Schedule idle time增加大脑放空的时间

Just choose not to take calls or listen to podcasts while you're driving Walk your dog or go grocery shopping without your phone so you have time to just be, rather than focusing on your screen. Take hikes without your technology. 稍稍的远离一下科技产品


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