笃学奖-Topic 3-B18319-甘比精读-The myth

笃学奖-Topic 3-B18319-甘比精读-The myth

作者: 似锦Antonia | 来源:发表于2017-04-17 23:52 被阅读50次

    Day 9

    1.COMPUTER security is a contradiction in terms.

    PHRASE 短语自相矛盾的说法If you say that something is a contradiction in terms, you mean that it is described as having a quality that it cannot have.


    A public service run for profit — acontradictionin terms if there ever was one.


    2.derail ; breach

    the $4.8bn takeover of Yahoo, an internet firm, by Verizon, a telecoms firm, was nearly derailed by two enormous data breaches.

    VERB 动词阻挠;使离开正常进程To derail something such as a plan or a series of negotiations means to prevent it from continuing as planned.

    【语法信息】:V n


    The present wave of political killings is the work of people trying toderailpeace talks.


    N-VAR 可变名词(对条约、法律或承诺的)违反,破坏 A breach of an agreement, a law, or a promise is an act of breaking it.

    The congressman was accused of abreachof secrecy rules.


    ...a $1 billionbreachof contract suit.



    Away from the headlines, a black market in computerised extortion, hacking-for-hire and stolen digital goods is booming.

    N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词敲诈罪;勒索罪 Extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone, especially money, by using force or threats.

    He has been charged withextortionand abusing his powers.


    4.MRI scanners to prosthetics and insulin pumps



    There is little evidence that these gadgets will be any more trustworthy than their desktop counterparts.

    N-COUNT 可数名词小器具;精巧的小玩意 a small device or machine with a particular purpose

    ...kitchen gadgets including toasters, kettles and percolators.


    ...the latest gadget for the technology obsessed: pocket-sized computers that you write on with a pen.


    6.pacemakers 起搏器


    It is tempting to believe that the security problem can be solved with yet more technical wizardry and a call for heightened vigilance.

    more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger

    The police said that it was thanks to the vigilanceofa neighbour that the fire was discovered before it could spread.


    That requires a kind of cultivated paranoia which does not come naturally to non-tech


    N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词疑惧;多疑 countable or uncountable an extreme and unreasonable feeling that other people do not like you or are going to harm or criticize you

    There's a lot of paranoia about crime at the moment.

    9.vulnerabilities ;illicit

    The average program has 14 separate vulnerabilities, each of them a potential point of illicit entry.

    vulnerabilities: pl. -ties. a vulnerable(Susceptible to physical or emotional injury) part or place.

    △Ex. The Commission ... made a study of civil defense and the problems of the reduction of urban vulnerability (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).

    illicit: adj.Not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful.


    This is not a counsel of despair.

    PHRASE 短语将自己的意见保密;不暴露自己的意图 If you keep your own counsel, you keep quiet about your opinions or intentions.

    Guscott rarely speaks out, preferring to keep his owncounsel.



    But societies have developed ways of managing such risk—from government regulation to the use of legal liability and insurance to create incentives for safer behavior.

    N-VAR 可变名词刺激;激励;奖励If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it.

    【搭配模式】:oft N to-inf

    There is little or noincentiveto adopt such measures...


    Many companies in Britain are keen on the idea of taxincentives for R&D.



    But it is impossible to weaken encryption for terrorists alone.

    noun. an encrypting; a putting signals or messages into cipher or code. 此指加密


    A lack of expertise will always hamper the ability of users of computers to protect themselves.

    N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词专门技术;专门知识;专长 Expertise is special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study, or practice

    The problem is that most local authorities lack theexpertiseto deal sensibly in this market.


    VERB 动词妨碍;阻碍;牵制;束缚If someone or something hampers you, they make it difficult for you to do what you are trying to do.

    【语法信息】:V n

    The bad weatherhampered rescue operations...


    I washampered by a lack of information.


    14.gizmo ;flaw

    They could insist that internet-connected gizmos be updated with fixes when flaws are found.

    N-COUNT 可数名词小玩意儿;小装置A gizmo is a device or small machine which performs a particular task, usually in a new and efficient way. People often usegizmoto refer to a device or machine when they do not know what it is really called.

    【搭配模式】:usu with supp

    【STYLE标签】:INFORMAL 非正式

    ...a plasticgizmofor holding a coffee cup on the dashboard.


    N-COUNT 可数名词错误;谬误A flaw insomething such as a theory or argument is a mistake in it, which causes it to be less effective or valid.

    【搭配模式】:oft Ninn

    There were, however, a number of crucialflaws in his monetary theory...


    Almost all of these studies have seriousflaws.



    They could force users to change default usernames and passwords.

    N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词默认值;缺省指令In computing, the default is a particular set of instructions which the computer always uses unless the person using the computer gives other instructions.


    Thedefaultis usually the setting that most users would probably choose.




    16.disclaimers ; butt up

    such as cars or domestic goods, the industry’s disclaimers will increasingly butt up against existing laws.

    N-COUNT 可数名词不承担责任的声明A disclaimer is a statement in which a person says that they did not know about something or that they are not responsible for something.

    【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

    Thedisclaimerasserts that the company won't be held responsible for any inaccuracies.


    butt up:to have one side or edge touching something, or to put something in this

    Day 10



    1.It istempting to believethat the security problem canbe solved with yet more technical wizardry and a call forheightened vigilance.


    2.That requires akind ofcultivated paranoiawhich does notcome naturally tonon-tech firms.


    3.Such weaknesses arecompounded bythe history of the internet, inwhich security was anafterthought.


    4.Computer securityis best served byencryption that is strongfor everyone.


    5.A firm that takesreasonable steps to make things safe, but which is compromised nevertheless,will have recourse to an insurance payout that will stop it fromgoing bankrupt.


    6.But settingminimum standards stillgets you only so far.


    7.Silicon valley’s“go fast and break things” style ofinnovation is possible only if firms have relative free rein to put out new products while they still need perfecting.


    Put out=launch 也是高频词。发布新产品:launch/put out anew product


    Take security serious enough:足够重视安全, take sth seriously, pay

    attention to, attach importance to都是“重视”的意思。

    Point of illicit entry:非法入侵点

    Create incentives for safer behavior:创建鼓励安全行为的激励方案,incentive高频词

    Refrain from doing sth:克制做…

    Spark calls for:激发对….的呼声

    Hamper the ability of:削弱…的能力

    Oblige sb to do sth:强制某人干某事

    Disclaim liability for:豁免…的责任

    Draw comparisons to:与….对比

    Lax attitude:松懈的态度

    Come down hard with:严厉惩罚

    Day 11






        本文标题:笃学奖-Topic 3-B18319-甘比精读-The myth
