"Only through living life's ups and downs can you develop empathy.
In order not to suffer, or at least not to suffer so much, one must become comfortable with impermanence.
Faith, gospel, did not set out to found a world Religion, it sets out to understand why one suffers. Things are always changing, If you could understand impermanence deeply, you would develop more equanimity.
The best lines of computer code are like poetry. We developer struggle to compress so much thought and feelings into the fewest lines possible while still communicating the fullness of expression.
The writing process was nonetheless intense and in the end rewarding."
《Hit refresh》
成为一名优秀的企业家,“渲染”的演讲能力是必备的。微软能否再次发力,还需要时间来证明。但我读出这位印度裔CEO思想里的empower, empathy, metainnovation, 这是新时代的企业家精神。
让我觉得有感触的还在于Satya Nadella本人。像我们这样出生和童年在一个地方一种文化,成年发展又在完全不同的文化和国度,那种冲击,反转,时常袭来的迷失和孤立无援,只有真正经历的人才能体会。人常说,对我们这类成年后的移民,最难的是找到自己的身份和建立身份认同。但随着思考的深入,体验的增多,其实其实不用刻意的忧虑身份认同。拥有不同文化背景,应该成为我们的特点,工具,装备。这个世界上没有什么要刻意“杀死你”的东西,杀死人的,往往都是自己的心魔和幻象。