
作者: 史黛拉945 | 来源:发表于2017-05-26 10:45 被阅读84次


Beyond reproach 不留口实

We have to be beyond reproach. So no tinder at the goddamn office, okay?


They had inside information. You must get pings like that every day.

Overage 超额部份

We lock you in on a 20-year lease, and I cover the overage.

Piggyback 捎带

We are ready to roll on something sweet. I think you'll want to piggyback.

Bump 增涨

We're looking at 70% bump in two weeks when the deal closes.

Float 提出

Scott Kazawitz's name is being floated as the new chairman.

Block trade 大宗交易

You see that block trade last Thursday come out of Merrill?

Coalface 更接近战场的人

I'm at the coalface. And I really don't  appreciate you strolling in here and telling me how to deploy my resources,  because you can't build your fucking case.

Mojo 魔力

I just lost my mojo somewhere along the line. It's fucking gone.

Blow 砸了

Your performance blows.

Cut bait  放弃、中止、斩断

I want you to go back to your Bloomberg and cut bait on your losers… you know the ones. The ones you've been defending, hoping they'll come round but, secretly, you know never will.



