
作者: 魔术师的帽子_Mathea_Z | 来源:发表于2017-02-07 22:10 被阅读192次

Happy the Year of the Rooster~
You must have thought that I did not read books during the holidays. Yes, you bet~ BUT BUT BUT
Actually I've finished reading one named '变局创意学',  written by Xinpin Li, as one of her series of books. Another book titiled as '极简亚洲千年史-当世界中心在亚洲', I read the last page of which today, is a funny one.


As a part of her series of books, her points wihch have been come up with and illustrated in her other books once again appear in this one. I wonder how she was able to do it that orgnizing all the elements several times and giving birth to a new book each time.  After reading ten books of hers, I find that I read faster and faster. I dont want to say much about this book, just to summarize it:

Accept change, Embace change, and Enjoy it.
We can change anything but change. The evolution from primitive homo sapiens to today's us shows  we are the most potent proof for change. Anything, as large as the macrocosmic world like universe or tiny like cells, is changing, let alone we human. Change brings us risk. Risk is the seed of fear and worry deeply rooted in our mind. Firstly, as has been said before,  we cannot stop changing, so let's try to accept it and see what will happen. Em, not bad, right? But maybe something should be done to take advantage of this change. When you treat change as a gift, no matter good or bad, you have the power to lead the situation toward the good. Then one step further, you might be able to get along well with it, because change means opportunities. When you unveil the mask of change, you won't resist it.


I might think you dont mind my notes when reading the book--just like scribblings. Here are the pictures of my notes.

魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子 魔术师的帽子

The author uses several people's stories to tell us the history of that ancient period,quite funny to read but not that easy to catch the whole picture of the history for me.


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