

作者: 颜知白 | 来源:发表于2017-05-25 22:58 被阅读0次

    S01E03 Introduction to Film


    cakewalk: n. 易如反掌之事(非正式)- If you describe something as a cakewalk, you mean that it is very easy to do or achieve. 

    jackpot: a large amount of money to be won; a large and often unexpected success or reward(头奖、中头彩)

    cocky: adj. boldly or brashly self-confident. 自大的,自以为是的

    e.g. Don't get too cocky about your chances of getting the job.

    coast: 这个词语想必大家都很熟悉,意思是海岸、滑行。今天介绍的是它的另一种用法,从“滑行”之意引申而来的,意为to proceed easily without special application of effort or concern,也就是不费力地取得成功,不劳而获的意思;也表示to act o rmove aimlessly or with little effort,不够努力,应付等。

    e.g. The company is coasting on its good reputation.

            He was accused of trying to coast through school.      

    shazbot: generally used to replace a swear word, but can be used to replace any noun. From Mork & Mindy, but it has reappeared throughout pop culture over the years. For example, it has been used by the aliens in the Simpsons. 其实呢,就是感叹词。

    e.g. Oh, Shazbot, I just locked my keys in my car!

    unwittingly: adv. 不知不觉地;不知情地;不经意地

    wrap: 这个是Abeb在拍完电影时说的,that's a wrap.当时就留心了,想不通wrap还有这种用法。查了才知道,是指to finish filming or recording:wrap a movie,完成拍摄,停机的意思。

    Phrases and expressions:

    1. Death, so called, is a thing that makes men weep. And yet a third of life is passed in sleep. — Byron

    2. Only when we stop stopping our lives can we begin to start starting them.只有当我们解除了对自我的羁绊,才能真正地“莫负好年华”。

    3. pat someone on the back: praise given to a person for an achievement or a job well done.

    e.g. Treating his daughter to ice cream was Joe's way of giving her a pat on the back after she won first place in the science fair.

    4. You've lost me. = I can't follow what you're saying, I'm puzzled or bewildered. 

    5. cut somebody/something loose: to get rid of or release someone or something. 摆脱、放下

        cut loose: to behave or express yourself in a free or forceful way. 放松

    6. talk a good game: to say things that make people believe that one can do something or that something is true about oneself even though it is not true.[informal] 含贬义,一般就是我们中文中常说的“就说着好听而已”。

    9. This won't cut it.  [informal]

       a. to achieve or maintain a desired level of performance:

    e.g. The aging football player decided he couldn't cut it any longer and retired.

      b.to be effective or successful; satisfy a need.

    10. no one gives a rat's ass: give a rat's ass其实就是care的意思。所以这句就等于on one cares, no one gives a shit. 那么就可以说:I don't give a rat's ass. 

    11. drive home: make clearly understood, make a point. 讲明白,说清楚观点

    e.g. The network news programs drive home the fact that violence is part of urban life.

    12. throw me a bone:  give me a break/ give me a hint, give me a chance. Comes from English lexicon refering to a hungry dog wanting help.具体什么意思还需要结合语境。

    13. get carried away: to be overcome by emotion or enthusiasm (in one's thinking or actions).得意忘形、忘乎所以

    e.g. Calm down,Jane. Don't get carried away.

    14. out of the loop: not having knowledge of or involvement in something. 局外的、圈外的、不知情的。

    e.g. A few people at the top knew what was going on,but everybody else was out of  the loop.

           I feel a little out of the loop here.

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