2023-11-05 电影《特洛伊》 台词复盘(1)

2023-11-05 电影《特洛伊》 台词复盘(1)

作者: 游子回 | 来源:发表于2023-11-04 09:48 被阅读0次

——patroclus!put down your spear.

I ‘m fighting the Trojans.

Not today.

I’m ready. You taught me how to fight.

And you’re a good student,but you ‘re not a myrmidon yet.Look at these men.They are the fiercest soldiers in all of Greece. Each of them has bled for me.Guard the ship.

But this is a war.

Cousin,I can’t fight the Trojans if I’m concerned for you .Guard the ship.

Trojans.All my life,I ‘ve lived by a code.And the code is simple.Honor the gods,love your woman,and defend your country.Troy is mother to us all,fight for her.

Myrmidons,my brother of the sword, I’d rather fightbeside you than any army of thousands.Let no man forget how menacing we are, we’re lions! Do you know what’s there, waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! take it! It’s yours!

Menacing: 险恶的 威胁的。v.恐吓 威胁(menace的ing形式)

Fight positions!

Archers! Draw! Keep forward!

Form up! Formation!

The man wants to die.

On my command! 

Break off! Break off!

Achilles! Achilles!

Give him the battle,we’ll take the war.

Give him too many battles and the men will forget who’s king.

Ajax!you need to see this.

Look at him,hogging all the glory. Row!you lazy whores,row! Greeks are dying! Row!

Those men down there need help.now!Tecton, with me!

I’m Ajax,breaker of stones! Look upon me and despair!

Flank! To the flank!

Back to the city!

The sun god is a patron of Troy, our enemy. Take whatever treasure you can find.

With your permission, my lord.


Apollo sees everything. Perhaps it is not wise to offend him.

Archer: 弓箭手,人马座

Form up:列队

hogging all the glory:抢尽风头


Flank:侧面,侧翼,vt.守侧面 攻击侧面 侧面与…相接 侧面的。



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    本文标题:2023-11-05 电影《特洛伊》 台词复盘(1)
