

作者: Pentacle_V | 来源:发表于2020-07-03 00:32 被阅读0次



    stand guard 站岗,放哨

    nauseous 令人作呕的,讨厌的

    in full measure 完全是

    slump on the ground 沉重地倒下

    interrogation of Barty Crouch 审问

    take no notice of 不理会

    a vehement exclamation 激烈的

    his throat obstructed 阻塞住

    regurgitate spells 反转的,反刍的

    reverse echo 共鸣,回波

    constricted 声音收缩的

    a terrible ordeal 磨难

    pulling screens around his 屏风

    blearily 朦胧地

    regrettable 令人遗憾的

    angry blotches of color 气出红斑

    responsible for 是造成……的原因

    administered 执行

    raving lunatic 狂躁性精神病患者


    his hackles 颈部的毛

    look defiant and obstinate 目中无人的;固执的

    hallucinations 错觉

    undefinable sense 难以定义的,不可思议的

    addled his brains 使大脑糊涂的

    visibly affronted 被侮辱的

    excellent causes 事业

    be acquitted of 宣判无罪……后释放

    crackpot story 疯子的故事

    no evidence to the contrary 相反的情况

    destabilize 打破平衡,使不稳定

    point-blank 直截了当的

    the prospect of disruption 破灭的期望

    more scope 范围

    be pressed to 被迫

    send envoys to the giant 使节,使者

    palpable 可感知的

    free rein 完全的行动自由,随意

    back into the fold 信徒

    be repelled at 被排斥

    presentation ceremony 颁奖典礼

    discreet 慎重的

    consent to come 同意,答应

    open hostility 公开敌对

    lie low 潜伏


    recollections 回忆,往事

    badger him to tell 吵着要

    speculate about 思考

    airily 轻浮,轻率

    evasively 推脱地

    musings 沉思

    exemplified many of qualities 是……的典型

    distinguish 著名,使杰出

    fair play 公平比赛

    be preferable to 比……更好

    follow suit 跟着做,依葫芦画瓢

    ties 关系

    discord 不和的

    enmity  敌意

    be torn asunder 分开地

    leafy 叶茂的

    a riot of color: colorful 万紫千红的

    harness 马具

    scowled 怒视生气

    flustered 不安的

    impassive 面无表情的

    dislodge 移开,挪开

    spill the beans on her 揭发某人

    restrain 压制

    antenna 单数 antennae 复数 触角,触须

    decor 装饰

    the jumble of jinxes 混乱

    mascots 吉祥物

    cough up 认罪

    Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.

    disembark 登陆上岸,卸下,下火车

    look flabbergasted 目瞪口呆的

    You're mental. 有精神病的,疯了

    awed voice 充满敬畏的



