

作者: Pentacle_V | 来源:发表于2020-06-12 21:28 被阅读0次



the gap: an open or empty space in or berween things 空地,空间

a search light 探照灯

wizened 干瘦的,干瘪的

flit: move along rapidly and slightly; skim or dart 迁移,移出

a walrus moustachache 海象胡子,两端下垂的胡子

brooding 沉思中

nonplused 不知所措的

contemptuously 蔑视的

duck out 巧妙地避开,逃避

bosom 衣服的胸襟

imperiously 傲慢地

chips of ice 冰屑

injust=unjust 不公正

under the impression 原以为是这样,以为是……但实际却……

discern the expression of the eyes 看出,分辨,理解

vehemently 激烈地

unctuous 能言善辩的,会说话的,油腔滑调的

know the rulebook back to front 规则手册

empty threat 开弓不放箭,装腔作势

binding magical contract 约束

disdainful 超蔑视的

give someone two bites at the apple=have two bites of the apple

(To have another opportunity to achieve something or to get something you want.) 两次机会

lodge complaints with 投诉

hoodwink 哄骗,欺骗

bamboozle 欺骗,使迷惑

ingenious theory 精妙的,绝妙的

basilisk egg 蜥蜴怪

carriage clock 旅行钟

Alaster 复仇神,Moody的名字

crack on 开始,开足马力

a deep reverie 发呆,白日梦发呆白日梦。

nature of the Tournament ……性质,本性

be exempt from 免除,豁免

a touch of his old impatience 以前的不耐烦的样子

deprive them of this excellent excuse 剥夺某人的……

be ransacked 被洗劫一空的

idle dream 空想

smugly 沾沾自喜地

balderdash 废话

ranks 站成一排堵着

waylay him at the foot of the stairs 拦路,拦截

in the otherwise empty dormitory 另外的

grimace 怪相

a photo all 接受宣传媒体拍照的时间,签名会



