335 遵从内心 无问西东

作者: 梅花之子 | 来源:发表于2019-10-28 20:20 被阅读0次
335 遵从内心 无问西东

Don’t let anyone tell you what to think ,listen to you. However the women in China had no right to pursue their love who  were obliged  to obey the husband’s will and their families’ requirements.The typical characteristic representative ,Di liniang is from the masterpiece the Peony Pavilion written  by the playwright Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty .Her maiden emotion was inspired by the Poetry Collection and had sex in the night magical dream after which she sought the marvelous lad in the pavilion but gained nothing. Then she was concerned to death and was buried in a temple.

Later his dream lover ,Liu  Mengmei attended the exam and fell ill staying in the temple coming across her ghost and married to live together.He dug her tomb and she came to life to live with him continuously.

In contemporary period,  we are free to do what we prefer and follow our own inner heart to choose to achieve our happiness.

遵从内心无问西东。中国古代的女子无权请求爱的权利。被迫遵从 丈夫的意愿,受困于家庭的桎梏。典型的代表人物杜丽娘来自于明代剧作家汤显祖的名篇《牡丹亭》。





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    本文标题:335 遵从内心 无问西东
